Life is full of Paradox

Quote of the day: “The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I can change.” — Carl Rogers The older I get, the less certain I am of anything. Things that I thought I knew for sure when I was younger have been proven wrong. Nothing is as it seems. I don’t see anything as black or white anymore. Everything is a shade of gray. I see an element of truth in a belief or ideal, and at the same time, see an element of truth in seemingly opposite beliefs or ideals. Once in a Read more…

Friday Gratitude for Creative Juice Flowing

Quote of the day: “When we sit down each day and do our work… The Muse takes note of our dedication. She approves. We have earned favor in her sight… we become like a magnetized rod that attracts iron filings.” —Steven Pressfield This week was one of passionate creating for me. My inner fire was burning brightly and I created 3 different series of photo greeting cards. The first is a series of 6 apple blossom photos with Emily Dickinson quotes on them. Second is a series of Henry David Thoreau and Ralph Waldo Emerson quote photo cards on assorted Read more…

Softness and beauty all around

Oh, how beautiful it is in Minneapolis this week! My favorite flowers are all bursting into bloom and life is good! Yesterday afternoon I walked out the door and made photos of apple blossoms, picked violets and lilacs to make still life photographs, and breathed in the wonderful scent of flowers. Mmmmm…. Special thanks to Kim Klassen for her lovely texture “HappyHeart.” I used the texture in the Wild Violets photo above. It’s been an interesting week so far. I’ve been getting clearer and clearer about how I want to do my photography and my life and my business. Instead Read more…

Photographic Journal – Spring by the Lake

“I have always taken pictures the way people keep journals and diaries. It’s a way of ordering my reactions to the world, of placing my ideas and feelings in a concrete form outside myself, of breaking my isolation.” — Diana Michener I was at a retreat at Camp Koinonia on Lake Sylvia near Annandale, Minnesota last weekend. Everywhere I went during the weekend, I brought my camera. I took some solitary hikes and made photos. I made photos during workshops and meals and fun times. It’s what I love to do. Here are a few of my favorites from the weekend. Read more…

Seeking Balance? – Try Moving

Every child has known God, Not the God of names, Not the God of don’ts, Not the God who ever does Anything weird, But the God who knows only 4 words. And keeps repeating them, saying: “Come Dance with Me , come dance. — Hafiz Last weekend I attended a retreat with a theme of balance. Because I didn’t believe in balance as a destination, I wasn’t sure I wanted to attend. I’ve always thought of balance as static and as trying to reach a destination and then stay there. But the retreat was an annual event organized by the women’s Read more…