This morning I opened my email and found this image in a newsletter from ArtDoc Magazine. There it was top center in the arrangement of images —

This! —

one of my two photos that were selected to be included in the Enigma of Life online exhibit (my photo is the only monochrome photo in the collage of images). It was such a lovely surprise to see one of my photographs being used in the collage that was highlighting the exhibit. If you want to see the full online exhibit click HERE.

Sometimes I need
only to stand
wherever I am
to be blessed.

   — Mary Oliver

The Getting Older Journey

In other not so exciting news I got my first pair of hearing aids yesterday. After much searching and reading reviews I decided to try one of the over-the-counter hearing aids that had good reviews (Lexie B2 powered by Bose). I ordered them from Costco (the only over-the-counter hearing aids they sell) because of their good returns policy. I figured if they didn’t work well for me I could return them. While less costly than prescription hearing aids, I was surprised at how expensive they were.

Over a year ago I had my hearing evaluated by an audiologist and she told me that I needed hearing aids. But I’ve been putting off doing something for a number of reasons. I guess it feels like another signpost in the aging journey, one that I wasn’t all that anxious to look at.

I’ve enjoyed every age I’ve been, and each has had its own individual merit. Every laugh line, every scar, is a badge I wear to show I’ve been present, the inner rings of my personal tree trunk that I display proudly for all to see. Nowadays, I don’t want a “perfect” face and body; I want to wear the life I’ve lived.”
Pat Benatar, Between a Heart and a Rock Place: A Memoir

But I noticed recently that I am having to ask people to repeat what they said more and more often. And at home, if I’m not in the same room with Jon I can’t hear what he is saying much of the time. In some ways it was beginning to feel like one of those cartoons of “old folks” with me saying, “What? I can’t hear you,” and Jon answering, “What did you say?”

My hearing loss is moderate so I felt that trying an over-the-counter hearing aid was a safe way to begin my hearing aid journey. I’ve been putting off doing something for awhile now. I’ve also read that hearing loss can contribute to the development of dementia as well so I figure I want as much brain stimulation in as many different ways as possible to help my brain function as well as possible.

I was pleasantly surprised by how easy it was to get started using my new hearing aids. There is a cell phone app that I can use to control the volume, treble/bass balance, and directionality.  And so far I’m happy with how they feel and how I am hearing. This morning when I went out to water my plants I could hear many more birds than I’ve been hearing and their songs lifted my spirit.

I also hear more background noise which is a little disconcerting at times. And I managed to wear them without incident through my weekly Soma yoga class this morning. It was so nice to be able to hear the instructions clearly. Other than noticing how loud the world seems now, (who knew the creaking of the stairs when I climb them was so loud!) I’m not having a lot of adjustment problems.

Book Talk

Earlier this week I began printing my hand-made photo/essay book. Then I started looking at the layouts I had printed and asking myself questions about how they looked. Finally I cut one of the 4-page spreads and realized that the margins were not even and were not large enough. So it was back to the drawing board again. After talking with the hand-made book teacher I had worked with before I settled on outer margins of .75 inches on each page and inner (gutter) margins of .85 inches. I also realized that I did not have the equipment I need to cut the 4-page spreads evenly and precisely. So I signed up for a cutting equipment orientation class at the Minnesota Book Arts Center in July. Once I have taken this class I can rent time on their equipment to cut the pages precisely for the book.

I will still have to do a lot of precise fiddly work connecting the pages together and I am hoping that I can do the assembly well enough that the book looks good. Time will tell.

For about a day this week I was beginning to wonder whether I might not be happy using one of the online book creation tools to create the book and have them print it for me. Making a hand-made book is not an easy thing!

Lush Time of Year

Even though it’s been hot and too dry here in Minnesota when I look out my windows at the pond the world looks lush and beautiful. I feel so blessed to live here. I am hoping for rain this weekend and a cool-down that also brings better air quality. Here are some photos of the pond from my living room window this morning…

May you walk in beauty.


Photographer sharing beauty, grace & joy in photographs and blog posts. I live in the Twin Cites in Minnesota, the land of lakes, trees, and wonderful nature.


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