As I walk the paths in my neighborhood I feel as if I am surrounded by

Lush Beauty

everywhere I look.

Most of the cottonwoods have finished blooming and their fluff drifts along the edges of the path and on any plant debris that is on the path creating tiny beautiful still life art.

One must have eyes that are open to seeing this beauty, bending over here and there and looking closely at the scenes that unfold right underfoot.

Along the side of the path I see that my favorite bed of ferns is a riotous verdant green, another scene of lush beauty along my way.

Here and there flowers bloom alongside the path and I pause to appreciate their beauty.

When I go out with my camera in hand I pause to see all of this beauty. In fact, seeing beauty is the purpose of my walk. At other times when I don’t have my camera along on my walks I’m often lost in thinking and I miss the beauty of the world that is always present in each moment.

That’s why I often carry my camera along on my walks even if I don’t make any photographs. With camera in hand I see the world through eyes turned towards noticing beauty, ordinary miracles, and grace.

Why I’m Here

Hello day, I say.
I’m here to be your
I’m here to grow
less respectful of
my limits with each
hour until the idea
of limits disappears
altogether. I’m here
to write an anthem
to the sky and sing
it aloud, even if I
can’t yet reach
the high notes.

— Danna Faulds

What helps you notice the lush beauty of these first weeks of summer?

May you walk in beauty.


Photographer sharing beauty, grace & joy in photographs and blog posts. I live in the Twin Cites in Minnesota, the land of lakes, trees, and wonderful nature.


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