The evidence of grace is all around us in this season of new beginnings. Consider the

Wild Violets and Goldfinches

and their wild bright beauty. Does your heart lift a little bit just to see them all bright and beautiful in the world? Mine does. I don’t need a scientific explanation or theory regarding the natural world, I simply  soak it all in and enjoy it’s great mystery and abundance.

Mysteries, Yes

Truly, we live with mysteries too marvelous
   to be understood.

How grass can be nourishing in the
   mouths of the lambs.
How rivers and stones are forever
   in allegiance with gravity
      while we ourselves dream of rising.
How two hands touch and the bonds will
   never be broken.
How people come, from delight or the
   scars of damage,
to the comfort of a poem.

Let me keep my distance, always, from those
   who think they have the answers.

Let me keep company always with those who say
   “Look!” and laugh in astonishment,
   and bow their heads.

    — Mary Oliver

Yesterday after I finished all of my summer flower and garden planting I wandered out to look at all of the wild violets growing in the park area beside our yard. I found myself kneeling down and thanking these tiny graceful flowers for their persistence and beauty, growing wherever they can in wild and tame areas alike.

Then I picked a small bouquet of them to bring inside and photograph. While I was editing my violet photos I watched gold finches flit and fly between bushes and my bird feeders. They were bright beacons of light and cheer against a bright green backdrop of green-leaved trees and grass covered lawns.

The beauty of this world of ours astonishes me. I am filled with gratitude to live here where the grass, trees, and flowers grow so abundantly and beautifully.

May you walk in beauty.



Photographer sharing beauty, grace & joy in photographs and blog posts. I live in the Twin Cites in Minnesota, the land of lakes, trees, and wonderful nature.


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