It’s a white world outside my windows. I’ve noticed the squirrels running across open areas in our backyard as fast as they can—the raptors and other predators are probably hungry and wouldn’t mind a squirrel dinner. With the white snow background any moving creature shows up very well to the predators.

As an antidote to all the snow that I see outside today I’m sharing

A Bit of Green

from my garden seedlings.

This morning I moved some of the seedlings from their tiny starter peat containers into larger peat pots. It was a welcome dose of green therapy for me. Getting my hands in the dirt, even the seed starting soil always feels soothing and nourishing. I love that last year I decided to try growing my own herbs for my summer container garden. And that the plants grew well with the little grow light I bought.

I am dreaming of when the snow is all gone and spring arrives. Even the brown/gray sticks and mud season of April sounds good to me right now. Still, the light is returning! Let us give thanks for that.


I thank you, light, again,
for helping me to find
the outline of my daughter’s face,
I thank you light,
for the subtle way
your merest touch gives shape
to such things I could
only learn to love
through your delicate instruction,
and I thank you, this morning
waking again,
most intimately and secretly
for your visible invisibility,
the way you make me look
at the face of the world
so that everything becomes
an eye to everything else
and so that strangely,
I also see myself being seen,
so that I can be born again
in that sight, so that
I can have this one other way
along with every other way,
to know that I am here.

  — David Whyte, The Bell and the Blackbird

This isn’t Narnia we’re living in so spring will arrive sooner or later, probably all of a sudden in a rush. Won’t that be wonderful!

“The White Witch? Who is she?”

“Why, it is she that has got all Narnia under her thumb. It’s she that makes it always winter. Always winter and never Christmas; think of that!”

“How awful!” said Lucy.

   — C.S. Lewis, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe

Are you also, wishing for a bit of green?

May you walk in beauty.


Photographer sharing beauty, grace & joy in photographs and blog posts. I live in the Twin Cites in Minnesota, the land of lakes, trees, and wonderful nature.


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