I’m continuing my work on my book idea. This week I’ve been

Exploring Creative Options

in photo paper for my handmade book. All of the paper samples that I ordered arrived late last week. So this week I’ve been slowly printing two of the photos for the book on all of the different paper types that I’m interested in. Now I’m spending time looking at them all and choosing which paper or papers I like the best.

Last weekend I spent some time at the library looking at photo books published by various photographers that I admire. Though those books were not hand-made, I was looking at size and format to help me get a feel for what size I want to make my book.

This project feels very over-whelming at times. It spans so many different skills—photography, printing, writing, layout, and book-making—some of which are completely new to me.

I found some definitions of the word exploring that sound perfect for what I’m doing: “To move without benefit of perfect vision, to engage in a journey for the purposes of discovery.” And I would add, to engage in a journey for the purposes of self-discovery.

Discovering and choosing

Art making is a journey of expression and discovery. For me, this whole book project is a journey into unknown territory. I’ve never before made a hand-made book. Nor have I had such definite ideas about how I want the images to look and feel.

It’s easy to get overwhelmed by the process. After all of my paper samples arrived it took me several days to work up the courage to begin making prints on the samples. It doesn’t seem like a simple thing like that would require courage. But somehow it does.

I’ve decided to make a small sample book to test out my ideas. One of my ideas is to embellish some of the photographs with gold ink or paint or gold embroidery thread. I also need to test out different ways of constructing the pages and the book itself.

There are so many things I am uncertain of. I know I want to include some short essays and phrases in the book. But I’m not sure how I want to print those essays and phrases.

The only way I know to move through all the uncertainty is to focus on making small steps, slowly, and with great self-compassion.

Point of Radiance

Find the point of radiance
in your heart. Whether
that be passion, pleasure,
or pain so deep it’s etched
in blood, follow where
your true heart leads.

When it seems there is no
light, look carefully,
for it is always there,
that ember of the God-force.

It may be hidden, in a dim
corner or buried beneath
a pile of regrets, but it’s
there nonetheless, that
spark of divine essence,
illuminating your next step.

   — Danna Faulds

What are you exploring and discovering in your creative life? Do you sometimes get stuck exploring creative options or get stopped in your tracks by fear of failure? Can you commit to doing one small thing towards your creative goal this week?

May you walk in beauty.

Note: Some of the images I’ve chosen for the book…though my choices are constantly being re-assessed and photos come and go sometimes on a daily basis.


Photographer sharing beauty, grace & joy in photographs and blog posts. I live in the Twin Cites in Minnesota, the land of lakes, trees, and wonderful nature.


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