I continue to read Paul Hawken’s new book Regeneration as well as listening to him speak on several podcasts. And I continue to be impressed with his words.

He is reminding me that climate change is not the problem. The behaviors of us humans all over the world are the problem. It’s time to think about

Seeing Differently

Our economic systems, investments, and policies can bring about the degeneration of the world or its regeneration. We are either stealing the future or healing the future.
— Paul Hawkin, Regeneration

Climate change is not something to fight against. It us and what we believe that is the enemy.

The climate crisis is not a science problem. It is a human problem. The ultimate power to change the world does not reside in technologies. It relies on reverence, respect, and compassion–for ourselves, for all people, for all life. This is regeneration.
   — Paul Hawkin, Regeneration

I’ve been hearing numerous news reports and concerns about the great shipping problem. Because of the disruptions of our normal consumption behaviors due to the pandemic, the global supply chains are now in trouble as we are now consuming more. The newscasters are suggesting that you go out Christmas shopping now so that you can get the stuff you want before it’s gone.


Think about it. I don’t know about you but I’ve got more stuff than I know what to do with already. Why on earth would I want to go out and buy more stuff? Yes, I know that you want to express your love for friends and family through giving them Christmas gifts. But think about it for a moment. Could you make something for a loved one, or plan a special activity together? Is buying some thing for a loved one the best way to express your love for them?

What is the most loving choice you can make given the world we live in and the challenges that we face?

The ongoing cause of degeneration is inattention, apathy, greed, and ignorance. Climate change may leave people feeling as if they have to make a choice between “saving the planet” and their own happiness, well-being, and prosperity. Not at all. Regeneration is not only about bringing the world back to life; it is about bringing each of us back to life. It has meaning and scope,; it expresses faith and kindness; it involves imagination and creativity. It is inclusive, engaging, and generous.
— Paul Hawken, Regeneration

My choice is to focus on loving in new ways and seeing differently. Life means more than collecting stuff and consuming stuff. Creating is a way to express yourself, connect with others and the world, and to learn who you are and what you stand for.

This week I bought some flowers to photograph—because photographing flowers brings me joy.

And I’ve been looking at them working on seeing differently — in my life and in my photography. I continue to ask myself daily, “What has meaning and scope in my life; what matters most?” And I keep coming back to choosing joy.

I have always wanted this time of my life to be a time of generativity and giving back. Some days I’m not sure if I’m “doing enough, giving enough.” But then I think that when I follow my joy, I am setting an example. I am giving what I am meant to give and teaching what I am meant to teach.

What matters most to you? And what will you do about it?

May you walk in beauty.



Photographer sharing beauty, grace & joy in photographs and blog posts. I live in the Twin Cites in Minnesota, the land of lakes, trees, and wonderful nature.


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