I love this tree! Every time I look out my kitchen window, it captivates me. Again and again I marvel at its beauty. This time of year I spend more time gazing at it than ever. In certain light conditions…

It Glows

Though it is losing its leaves faster this year because of the stress of the summer drought, it’s still beautiful. Yesterday we gathered (with windows wide open) for lunch and games with our kids, their partners, and our grandkids. Several of them noticed the beautiful glow of this tree.

This morning with skies a bit overcast, it seemed to glow even brighter than usual so I photographed it again. (Every year I photograph it; I never seem to tire of admiring it’s beauty.)

Our neighbors across the street have been outside with their grandson playing in the leaves. I went out with my camera earlier this week to photograph him playing in the leaves.

As the weather begins to cool a bit this week I wonder about the coming winter, though I try not to spend too much time thinking about my least favorite season of the  year. Like last winter, I am hoping to be able to get out to walk frequently even after winter arrives because spending time in nature is healing to my soul.

Song for Autumn

Don’t you imagine the leaves dream now
how comfortable it will be to touch
the earth instead of the
nothingness of the air and the endless
freshets of wind? And don’t you think
the trees, especially those with
mossy hollows, are beginning to look for

the birds that will come—six, a dozen—to sleep
inside their bodies? And don’t you hear
the goldenrod whispering goodbye,
the everlasting being crowned with the first
tuffets of snow? The pond
stiffens and the white field over which
the fox runs so quickly brings out
its long blue shadows. The wind wags
its many tails. And in the evening
the piled firewood shifts a little,
longing to be on its way.

    — Mary Oliver

This morning I am thinking about where I will go to walk this afternoon—somewhere in the woods I think, hopefully where the fall colors are showing.

Are you also enjoying the falling of the leaves and the changing colors all around us?  Though I mourn the loss of daylight this season brings, the increased darkness brings a refreshing pause. It feels like a time to move inward, cocooning, resting, nourishing my soul.

I hope that you are having a beautiful glowing fall my friends. Take time to get out and enjoy it.

May you walk in beauty.


Photographer sharing beauty, grace & joy in photographs and blog posts. I live in the Twin Cites in Minnesota, the land of lakes, trees, and wonderful nature.


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