This morning I took my walk on a path the runs beside Medicine Lake. As I was just reaching my turn-around point on the path, I saw a beautiful deer peek out of the trees beside the lake. She ducked back into the trees when she saw a woman approaching with a dog. But I stayed still and waited and my patience paid off.

Slowly she re-emerged from the trees and carefully and gracefully walked across the road to browse, where, at least for her,

The grass is always greener

on the other side of the road.

Though there are many wild deer in this area when I see them on my wanderings I always feel blessed. This morning I thought, “So this is why I took this path this morning—to meet you here. Thank you. Thank you.”

And so today, I share another Mary Oliver poem about a sighting of two deer in the woods. And, yes, I agree with Mary, “this is how you pray.”

Five A. M. in the Pinewoods

I’d seen
their hoofprints in the deep
needles and knew
they ended the long night
under the pines, walking
like two mute
and beautiful women toward
the deeper woods, so I
got up in the dark and
went there. They came
slowly down the hill
and looked at me sitting under
the blue trees, shyly
they stepped
closer and stared
from under their thick lashes and even
nibbled some damp
tassels of weeds. This
is not a poem about a dream,
though it could be.
This is a poem about the world
that is ours, or could be.
one of them—I swear it!—
would have come to my arms.
But the other
stamped sharp hoof in the
pine needles like
the tap of sanity,
and they went off together through
the trees. When I woke
I was alone,
I was thinking:
so this is how you swim inward,
so this is how you flow outward,
so this is how you pray.
   — Mary Oliver
What a beautiful morning. And what a beautiful world. How will you pray today my friends?
May you walk in beauty.


Photographer sharing beauty, grace & joy in photographs and blog posts. I live in the Twin Cites in Minnesota, the land of lakes, trees, and wonderful nature.


Jerry Sattinger · July 10, 2021 at 8:25 pm

I will pray with great gratitude! Allison is here and it is wonderful to see Julie and Allison together in one space!

Having an opportunity to be so close to such a lovely wild person such a gift! Congratulations! ❤️🌷❤️

    Marilyn · July 10, 2021 at 11:16 pm

    Have a wonderful time with Alison and your family! I couldn’t believe it but this afternoon I had another doe sighting, this time right beside our house in the park area that my container garden faces. She stood and stared at me for the longest time before slowly trotting across the street and down the hill.

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