I have been challenging myself to create layered abstract images using only the photographs that I’ve made in the last week. It is a challenge because often when I go out to make photographs I’m not thinking about layering them into something new. Imagining how I might combine or alter the photographs to create something new is a lot like brainstorming. I try something, then I try something else until I get a result that my heart says yes to.

The image above that I created this week from several recent photographs reminds me that I like to call this time of year

Dragonfly Summer

If you spend any time at all around the many lakes, streams and ponds in our beautiful state of Minnesota this time of year, you will see tons of dragonflies. I find them fascinating, magical, and beautiful. A few years ago when I was seeking to replace a belief pattern from childhood that said that life is all about duty, struggle, and hard work, I decided to instead embrace the phrase…

Dragonfly Gardening…

as in I am a dragonfly gardener.

“The dragonfly exists because it exists and for no other reason.”

― Marty Rubin.

I loved the phrase because I love dragonflies and because—who the heck knows how to dragonfly garden. It was freeing to believe that I could do what I felt like doing, dispense with the words “should” and “duty,” and instead focus on spending my life choosing and scattering joy. When I die I hope to be able to say I’ve savored, scattered, and spent every drop of beauty, joy, and goodness that has come my way.

“When a dragonfly flutters by, you may not realize, but it’s the greatest flier in nature…”

– Louie Schwartzberg.


Yesterday I spent the afternoon with our grandchildren helping them to tie-dye tee-shirts, tote bags, and handkerchiefs. We giggled and played and had a great time upstairs while their mom and dad were working online for their jobs as hospital stroke supervisor and principal systems engineer, downstairs. I love that my daughter and son-in-law are still able to work at home. I wish everyone who wanted to could work at home.

For those of you who are photographers and are curious about how I created these images, I am including a couple of screen captures from Adobe Photoshop that show the layers of photographs and adjustments that I used to create 2 of today’s images.

Layers of first photograph in this post


Happy Freedom Day loves. Happy Juneteenth a day early! It’s not enough to have this holiday finally recognized, but it’s a baby step towards reckoning with our sins. Now for equal justice and opportunity and true freedom to thrive in this country no matter what your skin color or background. Onward friends.

Have a beautiful dragonfly filled weekend.

May you walk in beauty.


Photographer sharing beauty, grace & joy in photographs and blog posts. I live in the Twin Cites in Minnesota, the land of lakes, trees, and wonderful nature.


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