It is astonishing to look out my windows today and see a beautiful white winter landscape today. Yesterday’s snowfall was not deep but it has once again returned us to a feeling of winter. Thankfully I believe that this time…

Winter Returns for Just a Few Days

The beauty of spring snowstorms always surprises me. Because the snow is wetter it clings to the tree trunks and branches, icing the trees with fluffy white frosting. I usually don’t mind the small spring snowstorms so much because I know that the snow will soon melt. And the beauty of it all is worth the slight springtime interruption.

“Spring was coming. Lara could feel it hovering at the edges of the frigid air. The world was holding its breath. She loved to think of the smallest flowers making their way up through the frozen earth. Pale yellow celandines, pink-tipped daisies, the little white stars of the chamomile, the bright yellow faces of the dandelions.”
Ella Griffin, The Flower Arrangement

Yesterday my last set of amaryllis buds (for this year) came into full bloom so I spent some time photographing their fresh delicate beauty. This plant bulb has finally decided to grow and flourish after sitting dormant for a long period of time. The stem of this last set of flowers is almost 4 feet tall. I had to set the plant pot on the floor in order to get close enough to the flower blossoms to photograph them. Here it is on the plant table towering over my other amaryllis plants.

After taking some photographs of the winter scenes outside my window this morning I decided to combine them with some of the amaryllis photographs I made yesterday. Though I am getting better at figuring out which kinds of photographs combine well together it is still a process of trial and error to create combined images that I like.

This afternoon I plan to spend some time walking outdoors. I am so thankful for small blessings like being able to walk outside in nature.

“If we had no winter the spring would not be so pleasant.”
Anne Bradstreet

What are you grateful for today? Can you appreciate the “winter” beauty that surrounds us today?

May you walk in beauty.



Photographer sharing beauty, grace & joy in photographs and blog posts. I live in the Twin Cites in Minnesota, the land of lakes, trees, and wonderful nature.


Jerry Sattinger · March 16, 2021 at 5:50 pm

Grateful for the gorgeous colors in your post and the promise of Spring just lying in wait underneath the snow! I am also grateful that I am getting to have a free day due to an appointment being cancelled! It is luxurious and makes me wonder how I have missed seeing each day without appointments as the gift that they are instead of feeling the need to fill them with have to stuff! Hmmm! Something to ponder on this free day to ponder!🙏

    Marilyn · March 16, 2021 at 7:43 pm

    It is luxurious to have wide open days regularly. One of the things I have loved about living during these pandemic times.

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