Flowers and nature continually teach me that sooner or later

Everything Falls Apart

Nothing lasts forever. Even this pandemic that feels endless will end sooner or later. We just don’t know when.

Everything cycles through birth, growth, decline, and death. Civilizations also go through these cycles. And as a human being, I too am going through these cycles.

Nature teaches me to let go of holding onto any particular reality because it is always changing.

What inspires and teaches you? And what do you do with the thought that everything falls apart?

I do the best I can
I try to learn from my mistakes,
and the world is the world
of constant change,
and pleasure and pain,
and being thanked and not being thanked
all of those things,
and so that’s where equanimity comes in
as a kind of comprehension
of, this is the way things are.

   — Sharon Salzberg

Treasure the present moment

Can you let this thought help you treasure the present moment? Or let go of thoughts that things will never change, never end? Maybe it can help you be open to accepting not knowing when this pandemic will end. Perhaps you may find a way to treasure this time as time within your cocoon, and wonder how this time will transform you somewhat like a caterpillar which enters its cocoon. After a time of transformation alone in the dark it eventually emerges as a beautiful butterfly.

“She was no fool. She had never expected the future before them to be perfect. She knew life had its cycles. There would be War and there would be Peace. There would be victories as well as defeats, joys as well as sorrows. Griefs and celebrations would have their place, love and hate would have their times. Nesrin knew this and she accepted it. But, they did not matter. She did not need a happily ever after to be happy. She didn’t live there, in the future. She lived here, in the present, where eternity touched the human soul. It was all that mattered.
And right here, right now, all was right with the world.”
May K., Rename the Stars

 As I age, I find comfort in finding beauty in the full cycle of life. It helps me to appreciate and accept the cycle of my own life. Can you find comfort in the realization that everything falls apart?

May you walk in beauty.




Photographer sharing beauty, grace & joy in photographs and blog posts. I live in the Twin Cites in Minnesota, the land of lakes, trees, and wonderful nature.


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