There’s no doubt about it. A lot of hard things are happening in the world right now and it’s easy to feel overwhelmed with the intensity of it all. Today I have a simple reminder for you. In the midst of all that’s happening

Don’t forget joy

So today I’m sharing some words about joy that have influenced me and changed my life.

You can get fired, dumped, dumped on, and pulled through the eye of a needle, and still feel held by the container of joy — the truth of your existence.   — Danielle LaPorte

You can live through uncertain times, injustice, pain, and grief and still find joy in the world—noticing the beauty of clouds in the sky, a glint of bright light, flowers, a purring cat, the face of someone you love.

It is a both/and world, not an either/or world

Joy and sorrow can sit side by side in the same space.

Take some time today and every day to notice what brings you joy. Embrace it even when things look like they’re falling apart, especially when things look like they’re falling apart.

Having a “both/and” approach to life allows you to balance things that are confusing, contrary or conflicting as we try to manage and tolerate the changes and growth taking place in our lives. Common areas of “both/and” have to do mostly with balance (so “either/or” won’t work in this situation). Examples of balance can be self vs. others, giving vs. getting, needs vs. wants, work vs. play, even winning vs. losing.


If you can cultivate the belief and start seeing the world as “both/and” the ideas and options are limitless and many solutions can be developed or explored that lend themselves your strengths. This is seen as an abundance mindset.

   — DeSHAWN Wert

I think the world needs each of us to embrace joy, now more than ever. Change can happen very quickly when people are ready for it.

Purpose is the positive energetic undercurrent of a life well lived, fuel for the fire within you that asks not just “how can I help?” but, more deliberately, “how can my joy be a light?” 
   — Liv Lane and Lori Portka, Infinite Purpose



Life can be grueling. The planet is suffocating, humans can be so cruel, there are unmet longings that we all carry. But if you can get to Joy just once today, and then once again tomorrow and the next day…you will start to create grooves to your Soul — a map to Joy. You’ll remember your way back to your natural state when you slip out of it — which you will. And you’ll do whatever it takes to stay in Joy as long as you can — even if you have to fight for it.   — Danielle LaPorte

Embracing and remembering to find joy in your daily life strengthens you to deal with the hard stuff. Today I also want to share a link to a sermon by Rev. Karen Hutt, a minister in my church. It’s not a joyful, “happy” story and it’s not easy to listen to her family history from the days of slavery to present day America. But it’s important to hear her words, and gain a little more understanding of the systemic and endemic racism she and all other black people face in our country.

It is a time for those of us who were privileged to be born with white skin to listen and learn and to face the inequalities and racism our country was built upon. And it is a time for deep change.

We need joy now, more than ever

Know that purpose shows up when you least expect it – right when you’re immersed in joy, and asks to be included. You see it when art heals…when healing transforms…when performers transcend time and space…when words become wings…when services feel sacred…when conversations spark connections…when teachers inspire…when parents model unconditional love. It is in this portal of All-Is-Possible that purpose is realized. Not found, but felt. Not discovered, but revealed. Not thought of, but intuitively known.  

Radiate joy, beloveds, and purpose will find you.


— Liv Lane and Lori Portka, Infinite Purpose

May you walk in beauty and joy.


Photographer sharing beauty, grace & joy in photographs and blog posts. I live in the Twin Cites in Minnesota, the land of lakes, trees, and wonderful nature.


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