We had a very quiet Memorial Day. After the rain stopped I spent a little time on the deck with my 50 mm lens at F/1.8 (an inexpensive plastic Canon lens enthusiasts call “the nifty fifty”) and with an extension tube, making soft closeups of the lilacs. They are in full bloom and will soon begin being past their peak. So I thought I would get a few more images before they’re gone. Their beautiful scent no longer wafts through the air but when I lean in I can still catch a whiff of it.

Lilacs and Ducks

While I was on the deck a group of mallards in the back yard began quacking up a storm so I switched lenses and managed to get a photo of 3 of them (2 of them quacking). I decided that they were saying, “Everything’s ducky here.”

Everything’s ducky here

I haven’t seen the baby wood ducks since my first sighting of them 3 days ago. So I think the mama duck moved them to the lower pond that same day (probably a good idea because there is at least 1 large snapping turtle in the pond).

Reflecting on daily life

Though most of my days are quiet and spent with only Jon as company most of the time I feel quite contented making photos, writing, gardening, and swinging on the deck swing. Today I started a new watercolor painting which I hope to combine with photographs tomorrow.

There are times I get restless and I really wish I could get together with a friend or go somewhere besides home, the backyard, the woods, or the grocery store. But then I get involved with another creative project and find solace there.

“…and then, I have nature and art and poetry, and if that is not enough, what is enough?”
Vincent Willem van Gogh

How are you faring? Are you mostly staying home like we are or venturing out more? What has surprised you about this time? One of the things that surprises me is how little I care about buying new things for myself or for others. The only thing we shop for are groceries and needed household and gardening supplies.

I am mostly enjoying our home-cooked meals but every once-in-a-while I want to just go out to eat. When I think about it, I can’t for the life of me come up with something I’m really hungry for that I don’t already have or can make.

A pause that opens new possibilities

When I step back I feel that this time of slowing down and doing less has been good for me and I hope that it is also good for the world. It isn’t until we step out of the daily routine that we open the door to new possibilities.

We need to slow people down to the speed of wisdom. The slower you travel the more you see. When you give up speed, you open up time. — Vicki Robin

This beautiful time of year I hope you take time to notice the lilacs and ducks.

May you walk in beauty.


Photographer sharing beauty, grace & joy in photographs and blog posts. I live in the Twin Cites in Minnesota, the land of lakes, trees, and wonderful nature.


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