Ever since I woke up this morning, the words of a song have been marching through my brain, “Green, green…

It’s Green They Say…

on the far side of the hill.”

And when I gaze out the window towards the back yard, I realize why this song is stuck in my head. It is green, electric green, almost glow in the dark green, everywhere I look. There is no need for me to go looking for it on the far side of the hill, however. It is everywhere this time of year. What a gift!

I simply sit and soak it all in. What else is there to do?

And even though the sun is not shining today I think of this quote by Mary Oliver…

“Hello, sun in my face. Hello you who made the morning and spread it over the fields…Watch, now, how I start the day in happiness, in kindness.”
Mary Oliver

I let the wonder of it all lift my heart as high as the sky and then I look up and my heart lifts even further to soar with the flying wild geese.

Thank you, thank you, thank you

I repeat to the earth and the forces of nature. Thank you to God, Allah, the Source, Nature, whatever you choose to believe caused all of this to be. I will even say “Thank you,” to the covid-19 virus. It is a part of this wondrous world after all, like it or not.

“Always there is something worth saying
about glory, about gratitude.”
Mary Oliver, What Do We Know

I wonder what are we learning during this time. And I hope that at least some of us are learning the importance of nature and how we are not separate from nature but a part of it.

I feel in my bones that we are at a turning point.

Will we turn towards a regenerative lifestyle or continue plundering the earth’s resources with no thought towards future generations? And will we take care of one another or selfishly grab what we can with an, “I’ve got mine,” attitude?

“I would say that there exist a thousand unbreakable links between each of us and everything else, and that our dignity and our chances are one. The farthest star and the mud at our feet are a family; and there is no decency or sense in honoring one thing, or a few things, and then closing the list. The pine tree, the leopard, the Platte River, and ourselves – we are at risk together, or we are on our way to a sustainable world together. We are each other’s destiny.”
Mary Oliver, Upstream: Selected Essays

May you give thanks for this day.

May you walk in beauty


Photographer sharing beauty, grace & joy in photographs and blog posts. I live in the Twin Cites in Minnesota, the land of lakes, trees, and wonderful nature.


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