Today brought sunshine, blue sky, melting snow, and gradually warming temperatures.

Yesterday I called one of my brothers to check in on how he was doing, read a book, worked on photos, wrote a blog post, talked with a friend on the phone and rested (more than I had planned) because I was suffering from a mild gut upset (something that happens quite often for me).

This is my…

Ordinary Life

I don’t have a lot to share today in this blog post, no wise words or funny jokes, no advice on how to weather this stay-at-home time, and no exceptional new photos. I’m just living this ordinary life that we all live. Jon and I are still staying home and mostly getting along. There are days when one or the other of us is grouchy. On those days Jon retreats to his downstairs office and I to my upstairs office. 

Earlier today I stepped outside to capture a few photos of the world as I see it this gorgeous April morning. And later today I’ll be doing my physical therapy exercises and working on projects around the house. Despite the ordinary-ness of my life, I still encounter ordinary miracles every day. I feel so blessed!

I’m giving thanks today for brilliant blue skies studded with puffy white clouds, bright sunshine and warming temperatures, plenty of food to eat, feeling better physically than I did yesterday, and having loving family and friends!

The melt is on! By this evening I wonder if any snow will remain.

Just being alive is a blessing and everything beyond that is delicious gravy.

How are you doing my dear friends? Are you enjoying your ordinary life or are you struggling? There is no right way to feel in this extraordinary time and how we feel changes day to day, minute to minute. Yesterday I felt like complaining about the weather. Today I’m glorying in the sunshine.

The healing that we need is inside ourselves. I read this on Instagram this morning and said,  “Yes, exactly so.”

May you walk in beauty today and always.

Soon it will be warm enough to place the cushion on my deck swing and spend lovely time swinging on it and soaking up the sun.

The sky this morning

Can you see the bird perched in the river birch tree?

A flower photo from my very early photography days


Photographer sharing beauty, grace & joy in photographs and blog posts. I live in the Twin Cites in Minnesota, the land of lakes, trees, and wonderful nature.


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