August 22 – Sunset

As the days of August whiz by I take time each day to spend time outdoors enjoying the beautiful weather. I love open window days and the past few weeks have been full of lovely fresh breezes indoors and out.

Appreciation of the Present Moment

As I listen to news reports about fires raging in the Amazon rain forest, no progress on gun control after countless mass shootings, and other negative news I find it helpful to anchor myself in appreciation of the present moment. Seeing beauty in ordinary days helps me appreciate the present moment.

Worry about the future does no good.

Instead I focus my efforts on the changes that I personally can make the world a better place and I choose joy, doing what I love, and spreading light.

Lately I am constantly gazing at the ever-changing array of clouds parading across the sky. Earlier this week, after spending part of the day with our grandchildren I decided to make it a priority to drive down to East Medicine Lake Park near where we live to photograph the sunset.

One of the gifts of this time of year is that sunrise is not quite so early and sunset is not quite so late.

With a sunset time of 8:11 PM, I left home about 7:40 PM and arrived in plenty of time to see the sun sink below the horizon. As usual, I enjoyed being at the lake and seeing the beauty of this time of day even more than making photographs. It’s such fun to see everyone out enjoying the beauty of nature.

Just as the sun was sinking below the horizon, a trio of kayakers paddled by. They added to the perfection of the moment.

I am always amazed at how quickly the sun travels down to the horizon during the last 15-20 minutes before sunset. The same thing happens in reverse at sunrise. One moment there is no sun in sight and within a few minutes the sun is above the horizon.


August 19 – City

I was hoping to drive into Minneapolis to capture some skyline or city scenes for the word prompt city, but did not find the time to do so. When I thought about it I realized that the suburb I live in is also a city. I photographed the scene above in the parking lot of the Food Coop at 9:30 AM. When I went into the store, the sun was shining and when I came out it looked like this.


August 20 – Country (In the park that borders our property)

One of the things I love about where I live is how I can feel like I’m out in the country when I walk just 10 minutes from my house. The parks, paths, and trees in the Minneapolis area nourish my soul.

August 20 – Country 2 (View of back yard and pond)

The view of our back yard, pond and park beyond often makes me feel like I’m at a cabin in the countryside. It is so beautiful and full of nature.


August 22 – Sunset 2


August 23 – Fleeting

Whenever a flock of birds flies overhead I experience a kind of bliss. My heart lifts and I feel as if I’m up in the sky soaring along with them. Then suddenly they are gone. It may have been only a fleeting moment of bliss, but I feel it’s effects long afterwards.

“It was the most fleeting time of day, and maybe that was why it was her favorite. Because if you blinked, if you closed your eyes or turned your head for even the briefest of moments, you might just miss it. And like most things in life, the transient, fleeting nature of the moment made it all the more special.”
Kelseyleigh Reber, If I Resist

May you walk in beauty.



Photographer sharing beauty, grace & joy in photographs and blog posts. I live in the Twin Cites in Minnesota, the land of lakes, trees, and wonderful nature.


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