Signs of Spring

At first glance the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum looked gray and brown, but when I began to wander around and take a closer look I saw signs everywhere that spring was popping out. In the photo above an Acer Maple tree blooms are bright against pale gray branches. Here is another view of the blooms from another angle with sky behind instead of other bushes and trees.

The redbud trees look completely dormant from a distance but when I went up close to look tiny red buds were beginning to form along bare branches.

Forsythia bushes were in glorious full bloom with bright bright yellow blossoms covering their branches. I also saw a pink bush beside the yellow that I think is a type of forsythia.

The huge old weeping willow tree was shimmering with a light veil of yellow green. I was fascinated with it’s size, bark, and long strands of leaves.

Who can resist pussy willows? Though more of a bush than a tree, I was enchanted with their softness and color.

And then there were spring ephemerals in the wildflower gardens. Tiny and delicate, they had already popped up and bloomed though everything around them was still brown.

All of these photos were made on Tuesday, May 1. In just three days (today is Friday, May 4) the tree canopy has greened significantly and spring is well on it’s way. What a wonderful time of year to pay close attention to the beauties of nature as they change daily in significant ways.

Why not head out to the woods today and slow down to look closely at nature’s wonders? What signs of spring bring you the greatest joy?

May you walk in beauty.


Photographer sharing beauty, grace & joy in photographs and blog posts. I live in the Twin Cites in Minnesota, the land of lakes, trees, and wonderful nature.


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