Counting Blessings—1

I got to stay at my daughter’s house to kitten-sit this weekend. What fun these two are! For as little as they still are they make an incredible racket as they chase one another around the house. They tear around pouncing and exploring one minute and then collapse into a pile of sleeping kittens the next.

Even though they look somewhat alike the kittens are from two different litters. Nevertheless they keep one another company, are play and fight companions, and partners in mischief making.

My granddaughter got to name one of them, my grandson named the other. Such fun! Both kittens are female and their names are Ramona (the blacker kitten) and Crookshanks (the one with patches of yellow on her face).

It’s fascinating to see their distinct personalities. While they’re both active and pouncy, Ramona tends to be a bit quieter and more thoughtful, studying the situation before jumping in. Crookshanks is more rambunctious, vocal, and likes being close to people more of the time.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could observe one another’s differences across color, size, shape, sexual preferences, and personality and simply appreciate the lovely ways that human beings have their own distinct personalities, gifts, and challenges, instead of judging those who look, think, behave, or believe differently?

Counting Blessings—2

I found a new (to me ) singer listening to Weekend Edition on public radio. Her name is Aisha Burns. Here’s one of the songs that I like on her just released album:



Counting Blessings—3

Despite various aches and pains that bother now and then I am feeling so blessed to be able to live the life I live—in relative comfort, abundance, and with joy and purpose So many in the world do not have enough to eat, suffer with serious physical or mental illness, or a myriad of other problems. Sometimes it makes me wonder, “Why me?” in a good way, as in why am I so blessed, why was I born when and where I was born, why, why, why?

I don’t have any answers to these whys so must be content to simply appreciate my life, follow my purpose and joy, treat others with kindness and compassion to the best of my ability, and do what I can to help others.

Counting Blessings—4

Yesterday we took a car trip to Iowa and then back home again. Throughout the day I marveled at the beauty all around me. The sky was filled with the most enormous puffy white clouds. The farm fields all around were open and beginning to turn green with new crops of corn. Near Minneapolis in the evening thunderstorm clouds towered above us in amazing patterns and shades from dark to glowing and pinkish gold.

I told my husband, Jon, that I was grateful for the way my life had changed since I became a photographer because I see the world in a state of constant wonder, awe, and gratitude, noticing beauty wherever I go. I did not see so much beauty before I became a photographer.

These two photographs of clouds, sky, and land were taken with my iPhone 7 camera from the car as we traveled at freeway speed. Isn’t that amazing? (Another blessing!)

What blessings are you feeling grateful for today?

May you walk in beauty.



Photographer sharing beauty, grace & joy in photographs and blog posts. I live in the Twin Cites in Minnesota, the land of lakes, trees, and wonderful nature.


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