a good week

Colorful and playful composite photograph of air plant underwater

It was a good week. The big snowstorm that was predicted missed us. I got to have lunch with a friend to celebrate her birthday. The temperature was above freezing outside each day. I had plenty to eat, a comfortable bed to sleep in, hot and cold running water, time with friends and family, work I love (photography) and plenty of color and playful work on photographs.

A Good Week

I am grateful for all these blessings. Every day I try not to take ordinary blessings for granted.

Snow still covers most of the ground here in Minnesota. We were fortunate to be missed by the last regional snowstorm which left 18 inches of snow in parts of north-central Iowa. While the temperature is rising above freezing most days, the snow seems to be melting very slowly this spring.

Even with all my blessings I’d like to hurry spring along. I long for warm sunshine, green things growing, long walks in the woods, and flowers blooming.  To help me stay in the present moment and accept the weather whatever it brings I’ve been seeking color in my life. My efforts include bringing fresh flowers into our home, seeking colorful items to photograph, and playing around with colorful composites in photographs.

a good week

Playing With Color, Seeking Inspiration

While the world outside my window continues to be almost monochrome I play with and bring color into my life through art and flowers.

In addition to looking for color I’ve been looking for inspiration and uplifting activities. Friday of this week was one of those perfectly wonderful coincidences that created a totally uplifting day.

Friday afternoon I went to see A Wrinkle in Time with my daughter and grandchildren. While it was not a riveting movie for me, I was inspired by many aspects of this production. I loved that the characters were of different races and was inspired by the message about the power of love to overcome evil. It was great to see both my grandson and granddaughter caught up in the story. Perhaps seeing the movie will inspire them in some way.

Friday evening I went out to dinner with a friend and then to hear the Twin Cities Gay Men’s Chorus concert Rise Up. What an inspiring performance! I’m still hearing the songs and feeling the inspiration of the singing. It struck me when I was watching the performance how very different the world I live in now is from the world I grew up in, in conservative rural Iowa in the 50’s and 60’s.

Rise Up focused on the people and movements that brought change to our country, from racial justice actions to LGBT advances to women’s rights. One piece moved me to tears. It was a choral movement based on the last words spoken by 7 different unarmed black men who were killed by police. At one time in my life I would have resisted feeling the pain of this piece. But instead I felt connected to the pain of it and deeply touched by the artist who channeled his feelings and beliefs into such a powerful piece of art.

Artists Show Us Injustice

I admire artists who create something beautiful or challenging as a statement about injustice.

Yesterday I was lifted up by all of the youth and people protesting peacefully in March for Our Lives marches around our country. It reminds me of the Viet Nam war era when youth took to the streets to protest. Change is coming. There is no doubt about it.

In the darkest times we see people speaking out, acting to create positive change, and being beacons of light. If each of us brings just a little light into the world through living authentically, practicing kindness and compassion, and seeking and spreading joy, think what a difference we can make.

Did you have a good week? What lit up your world this week? What blessings are you grateful for?

May you walk in beauty.

Note: Many of the brightly colored photos in this post are from the house of an artist I photographed last week for my Maker’s Hands series. Talk about living a colorful life!

a good week


Photographer sharing beauty, grace & joy in photographs and blog posts. I live in the Twin Cites in Minnesota, the land of lakes, trees, and wonderful nature.


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