February thawIn a winter that has already been mild and relatively snow-free, we are experiencing a big February thaw. Today it rained all morning and temperatures above freezing predicted for the next week, it looks like ice fishing may be over for the season here in Minneapolis.

Our neighbors have left a hockey goal and canvas chair out in the middle of the pond. With the rain this morning and thawing temperatures, it looks like they may not be able to retrieve them. I know I wouldn’t walk out onto the ice the way it looks.

This morning during the rain, a pair of mallard ducks landed on the pond. With the water on top of the ice they looked like they were swimming, when in reality the water wasn’t deep enough to swim in. Even though it has been a milder than normal winter I was surprised to see ducks here in February.

This afternoon after the rain stopped I drove out to Carver Park Reserve to work on a photo project I’d been thinking about. The remaining clouds in the sky, the remaining dirty snow, and leafless trees created a desolate landscape. But it was beautiful.

“[W]hen you see beauty in desolation it changes something inside you. Desolation tries to colonize you.”
Jeff VanderMeer, Annihilation

As the skies brightened I could see glimmers of light, glimmers of hope for the spring.

February thawAs I gazed at the landscape I saw a the reflections of the bare trees in the melting ice on the maintenance road, a bird’s nest in a tiny tree, and a small tree still clinging to it’s leaves.

As the clouds lifted a ribbon of blue emerged between the dark of the tree trunks and the white clouds above. The brightness felt like a benediction.

Desolation gave way to hopeful blue skies and my dreams of spring are awakened.

Who knows what tomorrow will bring. Living in Minnesota, I’m pretty sure we will see a return of some winter weather before we slip into spring. But what an amazing winter this has been! So much milder than most Minnesota winters.

Today I give thanks for the feeling of spring in the air, puddled water on top of the ice on the pond, and bare tree branches with a bird nest.

What beauty can you see in your life today?

May you walk in beauty.

February thawFebruary thawFebruary thawFebruary thaw


Photographer sharing beauty, grace & joy in photographs and blog posts. I live in the Twin Cites in Minnesota, the land of lakes, trees, and wonderful nature.


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