
Whew! Made it to 30 days of

The Good, the Bright, and the Beautiful…

About halfway through my 30-day commitment to myself I began casting about for new ideas and wondering if I would make it to the end of the month. But each day something good, bright or beautiful appeared. Sometimes I remembered a story. Other days, I noticed something on social media or websites I follow. And sometimes I simply shared a favorite poem and photograph.

This process helped me to

Look for the good…

Experience more gratitude for my life and every moment in it…

See beauty in unexpected places…

And appreciate the light that so many individuals bring into this life…


During the month bad things happened in the world, I experienced a flare-up of long-term illness symptoms, the season turned from fall to winter, friends experienced losses, and still somehow I know that looking for the good is more important than ever.

When I focus on the good things, beauty and light I see all around me I feel strong and hopeful. I get great satisfaction from helping friends in meaningful ways and noticing how others are expressing compassion, love and kindness.

“The question is not what you look at, but what you see.”  — Henry David Thoreau

Perhaps I cannot end hunger for the world, create peace in the Middle East, or eliminate climate change all by myself.

But I CAN help one person fight hunger for a day. I CAN treat those I meet with love and respect, regardless of who they are, the color of their skin or what God they worship. I CAN make small changes to conserve energy and work towards a more sustainable world.

This year we decided to stop buying Christmas gifts to give to most members of our family and friends (except the children) because we all have so much already. Instead I am looking forward to giving more to help others who are in need, thinking about what I might make for those I love, and planning time and experiences with friends and family.

May you walk in beauty.




Photographer sharing beauty, grace & joy in photographs and blog posts. I live in the Twin Cites in Minnesota, the land of lakes, trees, and wonderful nature.


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