
Rain splashed Pansy (Viola) – Victorian Meaning:Think of Me

It’s another rainy day in Minneapolis. The greens outside are glowing a spectacular electric green. And even though this is the third day of the last 4 days that has been rainy, I don’t mind at all. We are so blessed to live in Minnesota and have abundant water to grow the wonderful trees, bushes and plants. After a dry fall and winter, the rain is returning us to the lush green landscapes I love.

“I had been here during heavy rain, the kind of rain that becomes pleasurable to watch because it makes of the house a haven. The rooms in which one moves become a world apart from the wet streets, the sodden garden.”
Deirdre Madden, Molly Fox’s Birthday

Memorial day weekend with it’s rainy days was a perfect weekend to meditate, curl up with a good book, go to a movie with a good friend, work on photo editing and printing at my computer, and gaze out the window at the glowing greens in the back yard.

I enjoyed watching our first family of mallard ducklings on the pond. They were difficult to count as they darted here and there, but I finally counted 8 of them. Saturday was the first day I saw the ducklings, so now I pay extra attention each day to see if they’re still there. Every time I glimpse them meandering in the shallows of the pond, it makes me smile. It’s risky business being a duckling in our pond. Snapping turtles, hawks, and fox all like a good duck dinner every now and then.

Saturday night I went to see the movie Cinderella with a girlfriend. I felt a little funny going to a kid’s movie but greatly enjoyed the gentle fairy tale, especially it’s message about the importance of courage and kindness. I could imagine watching this movie with my grandchildren.

I checked out a fiction e-book this weekend, The Language of Flowers by Vanessa Diffenbaugh. Once I started reading it, I couldn’t put it down. My deep love of flowers and plants led me to become totally entranced by a story that used the Victorian meanings associated with different flowers as a major part of the plot. I had not been aware of the meanings that had been associated with different flowers and plants, like Peony meaning anger,Phlox meaning ‘our souls are united,’ Oregano meaning joy. What a charming and fascinating language! It is so intriguing that I am searching for some of the different dictionaries of flower language to learn more.

Lily of the Valley - Return of Happiness

Lily of the Valley -Victorian Meaning: Return of Happiness

Yesterday I spent time printing and mounting photographs for two different projects. I greatly enjoy the printing process and am so glad that I bought my own ink jet printer so that I can print my own photos instead of sending them out to a print lab. There is something magical about seeing the print emerge from the printer and holding the print in my hands knowing that I made it.

My gardening projects have taken a breather as I let the rain-soaked ground rest a bit before I plant the last of my flower garden around the old willow tree stump or plant the last of my container garden—cherry tomatoes.

I wish that life should not be cheap, but sacred.  I wish the days to be as centuries, loaded, fragrant. — Ralph Waldo Emerson

The days go by so quickly—soon it will be June. I am savoring every day of the springtime, before it is gone— the sweet fragrance of lilacs, apple blossoms, and lily of the valley, the vivid electric spring greens, rain drops glistening on the leaves, open windows and gentle breezes.

What are you savoring today?

May you walk in beauty.









Photographer sharing beauty, grace & joy in photographs and blog posts. I live in the Twin Cites in Minnesota, the land of lakes, trees, and wonderful nature.


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