Quote of the day:

“Someday. That’s a dangerous word. It’s really just a code for ‘never’.” — Knight and Day movie 2010


Have you ever wanted to take an art class but been afraid that you’re not “artistic” enough?  Have you ever been excited by color or shapes or textures or beauty and said to yourself, “I’m going to try that someday” ?

I’ve been thinking about taking a drawing class or a pottery class or a painting class for a long time, but haven’t made time or space for it in my life.

But I’m thinking about trying an online art class just for fun. And I can’t think of a better time of year to take a class than during the winter doldrums.

Here are a few of the classes I’ve been looking at:

Kelly Rae Roberts’ Hello Soul Hello Mixed-Media Mantras class


Amelia Chritchlow’s


Flora Bowly’s Bloom True painting e-course


You can also find fun classes through community education, local art centers, and more.

I’ve taken a couple of online classes and been pleasantly surprised at the quality, ease, and fun of such classes. And lest you think that such classes are only for introverts, most have plenty of opportunity for commenting and posting in online groups and can sometimes lead to creating important friendships and connections in your local community.

I once participated in a large online class where a group of artists from Minnesota connected via Facebook and then went on to meet for several months in coffee houses and our homes around the Twin Cities.

If you’re experiencing the winter doldrums, try your hand at painting or drawing or pottery or dancing or singing. Exercise your artist self.  Don’t wait for “someday” to arrive.



Photographer sharing beauty, grace & joy in photographs and blog posts. I live in the Twin Cites in Minnesota, the land of lakes, trees, and wonderful nature.


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