Quote of the day: “Photography, I discovered, is as much about seeing inside ourselves as it is about looking out at the world. All creative activity joins spirit to matter and so can transform. But photography is special. It is all about focus and attention, image and shadow, figure and ground, darkness and light.” —Jan Phillips God is at Eye Level

Magnolia Flower and Blue Sky

Grace - magnolia flower and blue sky

Photography helps me to discover who I am and what matters to me.

Over the past months, I’ve learned that beauty is everywhere I look.

I’ve learned that when I make portraits of someone, I need to first be in a place of balance and presence so that I can perceive that person’s essence and true beauty.

I’ve learned that when I push,get driven, or lose presence, that all the joy and soul gets sucked out of the photographs I’m making.

Slowly, I’m learning how to balance on the edge between spirit and action. It starts with practicing loving kindness towards myself and all of life. Then I add deep listening and an open heart—a heart cracked wide open to pain and sorrow and joy and beauty.

Every decision I make serves something or someone. I want my decisions to serve life, to embody love, to create beauty and joy and a recognition of that which connects us all.

Who do you serve and how do you find balance in your life?

Magnolia Flower

Nature in bloom - forsythia and magnolia tree

Forsythia Blossoms

Yellow on Yellow - Forsythia Blossoms

Flower buds ready to burst open

Snow Trillium Wildflower at MN Landscape Arboretum

Glorious Day - View of MN Landscape Arboretum bog and marsh

Watercolor - new life


Photographer sharing beauty, grace & joy in photographs and blog posts. I live in the Twin Cites in Minnesota, the land of lakes, trees, and wonderful nature.


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