IMG_7695When it’s wintertime in Minnesota and the temperature is above 30 degrees you’ve got to get outside to enjoy it!

I’ve been outside for walks 3 days in a row. In fact, yesterday I took 2 walks outside in our neighborhood.

“My grandmother started walking five miles a day when she was sixty. She’s ninety-seven now, and we don’t know where the heck she is.”
Ellen DeGeneres

The sunshine yesterday was so welcome, not only did I get outside to walk in the sunshine, I sat in a chair in the living room basking in the sun. Ahhh…


My cat Gracie jumped up to bask in the sun too, stretching out on my legs like a purring fur coat. There’s nothing better than sunshine, a good book, a purring cat, and a comfortable chair.

Things like a winter walk outside or basking in the sun inside are simple pleasures. They cost nothing but give so much joy.


Other activities that cost time and money may end up not bringing joy, despite the fact that I am initially attracted to them.

Recently I began planning a late March trip to see the whooping crane migration near Kearney, Nebraska, and on to Santa Fe for a week or so to experience a bit of the southwest. I did research on the internet, checked out  places to stay, and prepared to make a reservation to visit a blind on the Platte River at sunrise and motel reservations along the way.

“There comes . . . a longing never to travel again except on foot.”
Wendell Berry, Remembering

But somehow, each time I got ready to make phone calls or commit to an actual reservation, I balked. Finally I decided to listen to my unconscious and let go of the idea of the trip (or at least planning it in advance).

If the spirit moves me later to plan and make the trip, we’ll make our plans then. There is a chance that we’ll decide we want to go but not be able to find a place to stay. I’d rather take that chance than make plans that I will regret later on.


I don’t know why I’m having difficulty committing to the trip. I just know that I’ve promised myself to listen more to the rustlings of my spirit trying to tell me something, even if I’m a little slow to understand what it is.

Following my joy sometimes means saying no to something that seems like a good idea to my ego, but ends up not feeling joyful.

When was the last time you listened to the rustlings of your spirit?

May you walk in beauty.










Photographer sharing beauty, grace & joy in photographs and blog posts. I live in the Twin Cites in Minnesota, the land of lakes, trees, and wonderful nature.


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