Quote of the day:Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”–Mark Twain

Hawaii Ocean View

Swimmers in Ocean - Big Island - Day after Japan Tsunami 2011

About a year ago I was on the Big Island of Hawaii at a wonderful photography workshop called Images of Gratitude, led by photographer Doug Beasley. It was a wonderful workshop and I’m so glad I went. But I almost didn’t go.

Last winter when I thought about signing up for the workshop, it was just a crazy idea I had to scratch my travel itch, learn more about my great passion, photography, and escape from a long Minnesota winter.

I almost let my fears keep me from signing up. I had never met Doug Beasley and didn’t know whether he would be a good teacher/workshop leader. I was concerned about whether I could keep up with the group because of some chronic health issues. I hadn’t traveled by myself for many, many years. It was a lot of money to spend. The list of reasons not to go was long and seemingly never-ending.

But I decided to take a leap of faith and do it despite my fears. And I am so grateful that I did. I had a wonderful (and very challenging) 11 days in Hawaii.  I met some amazing people. And I was inspired to find a way to leave my job in the corporate world and do what I love.

A little more than a month after I returned from Hawaii, as fate would have it, I got the kick in the seat of the pants that I needed–a layoff from my 16-year job as a software engineer for a medical device maker. My co-workers and friends were shocked. I was shocked. But when the dust settled I knew that I was not going to look for another software engineering job. I made the crazy, totally ridiculous decision to start my own photography business.

And now I’m making photographs, constantly working to improve my skills as a photographer, setting up a business, designing a new web site, learning about social media… the list goes on and on. I am grateful that I went to Images of Gratitude in Hawaii last winter, because it was my experiences there that inspired me to have the courage to live the life I’m leading now. (Some days it still looks crazy to me but I am loving every minute of the craziness.)

What have you been dreaming of doing? When are you going to make the leap?

Jizo-Sama, Protector of Women, Children, and Travelers - in front of B&B I stayed at

Japanese Lanterns in front of B&B

Tai Chi in the Park - Hilo, Hawaii

Lava Flows in Paradise


Photographer sharing beauty, grace & joy in photographs and blog posts. I live in the Twin Cites in Minnesota, the land of lakes, trees, and wonderful nature.


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