The Greening

Yesterday on my walk at Silverwood Park was the first time I really noticed The Greening of spring beginning. But this morning after the rainfall overnight and today, I see it happening everywhere. The grass is greening. Green leaf buds are swelling and growing on the trees across the pond. And even the ducks look happy swimming in reflections of green in the pond. The goldfinches are molting and they look so funny partly bright gold and partly scruffy winter feathers. Soon they will sport brilliant fully gold sport jackets that will set all the lady goldfinches a-twitter. While I Read more…

Mad About Loons

This morning I visited Silverwood Park in St. Anthony (just south of Interstate 694 and New Brighton). A few of my photo club friends went there yesterday morning but I had a schedule conflict. So this morning I visited the park for the first time with my camera. It was beautiful and along with Canada Geese, ducks, and a bald eagle, there was a loon that was quite close to the shore and not at all shy. I was in heaven because I’m… Mad about Loons. I love these beautiful shy birds. Their calls and songs are haunting. And they Read more…

A Taste of Summer

The warm weather this week has been eating snow and ice like crazy. Our backyard is snow-free this morning! This means an end to my spring melt series of photos for this year. And the ice on the pond is rapidly receding. The warm open-window weather is giving us A Taste of Summer even though spring has hardly had time to fully arrive. I love these warm days but will be happy to return to more spring-like temperatures for awhile. I don’t want to miss springtime and jump directly to summer. On my walk yesterday I could finally take the Read more…

Happy for Spring

I spend a lot of time watching the pond and the backyard as the ducks and robins return. This morning there were two pairs of wood ducks and several male mallards swimming back and forth in the narrow channel of ice-free water on the pond. I could be imagining this, but they seem Happy for Spring and happy to be back in the pond. I know I am happy for spring. Each day I’m soaking up the sunshine and mild breezes and watching winter’s snow recede. I can’t wait until it’s warm enough to plant my summer container gardens. This Read more…

19 Days of Spring

It’s been a beautiful week! I think all of us in this part of Minnesota are grateful for warmer days and sunshine. The melt is seriously on! Finally! I’ve been making a photo each day of the scene outside my bedroom window since the first day of spring. Today it’s been nineteen days. I did not imagine when I started that we would still have snow on the ground. But here we are. Still, I am celebrating the first 19 Days of Spring. Yesterday I saw about half a dozen birds underneath the pine tree next to the bedroom window. Read more…