I spend a lot of time watching the pond and the backyard as the ducks and robins return. This morning there were two pairs of wood ducks and several male mallards swimming back and forth in the narrow channel of ice-free water on the pond. I could be imagining this, but they seem

Happy for Spring

and happy to be back in the pond.

I know I am happy for spring. Each day I’m soaking up the sunshine and mild breezes and watching winter’s snow recede. I can’t wait until it’s warm enough to plant my summer container gardens. This year I’ve decided to experiment with placing one or two large containers on our deck. I plan to plant sugar snap peas and green beans in these containers. Because these crops are very attractive to the many deer in our area I’m hoping to finally be able to keep the critters from eating my pea and bean plants. Since deer can’t climb the stairs to the deck my plants should be safe from them.

I don’t know why I didn’t think of doing this sooner. Over the years I’ve tried all sorts of ways to deter the critters from eating my plants and none of the methods has worked.

The only wrinkle in this plan is the many grey and red squirrels that visit our deck (thanks to my sweet husband’s enjoyment of feeding them peanuts over this year’s long winter). He’s moved the peanut feeding to our lower patio because I’ve suggested that I don’t want any squirrels getting into our house from the upper deck in open-window weather.

I’m not sure that they would be brave enough to dash in when I open the screen to go in or out but I don’t really want to find out the hard way. I admit that I have also been known to throw a few peanuts out for the squirrels on the deck. My cat, Gracie, loves to watch them from the dining room.

The moon was magnificent at dawn this morning. I woke up and saw it and immediately grabbed my camera to make a few photos of it.

In my youth the heart of dawn was in my heart, and the songs of April were in my ears.

But my soul was sad unto death, and I knew not why. Even unto this day I know not why I was sad.

But now, though I am with eventide, my heart is still veiling dawn,

And though I am with autumn, my ears still echo the songs of spring.

But my sadness has turned into awe, and I stand in the presence of life and life’s daily miracles.

   — Walt Whitman

Although I would like to value autumn and winter as much as spring and summer, unlike Whitman, I am so happy for spring. But like Whitman I am often filled with awe witnessing the life around me and the ordinary miracles that fill our days.

Are you also happy for spring’s arrival?

May you walk in beauty.


Photographer sharing beauty, grace & joy in photographs and blog posts. I live in the Twin Cites in Minnesota, the land of lakes, trees, and wonderful nature.


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