Two Photos and a Poem About Daisies

  I saw these daisies on my walk this morning and thought that today I would share Two Photos and a Poem About Daisies with you today. Daisies It is possible, I suppose that sometime we will learn everything there is to learn: what the world is, for example, and what it means. I think this as I am crossing from one field to another, in summer, and the mockingbird is mocking me, as one who either knows enough already or knows enough to be perfectly content not knowing. Song being born of quest he knows this: he must turn Read more…

By the Lake

Earlier this week I took a walk along Medicine Lake. It was a beautiful morning on a day with good air quality and a soft breeze. I don’t take days like that for granted this summer. Every time I think of all the wildfires burning in Canada this summer because of the climate crisis, I feel sad. In light of this, a walk By the Lake on a beautiful morning was a gift that I cherished. New Photo Series I completed a new series of photographs called Plastic in Nature that features photographs that I made of plastic bags, containers, Read more…

Butterfly Tree?

The Japanese Lilac tree in our front yard has outdone itself this year with blossoms. Its sweet scent even wafts over the top of the house to the deck when there is a breeze. And the blossoms have been attracting so many butterflies that I’m beginning to wonder, should I call it a… Butterfly Tree? Many years ago we lost an amur maple tree in front of our house to a lightning strike. Later we brought in a landscaper to help us re-envision what we might plant in our yard to replace the amur maple and he suggested planting a Read more…

Show Me the Wind

The cool sunny weather on Sunday was delightful. But the wind made it difficult to make photographs outside. So I decided to use the wind to create some intentional camera movement photos (ICM). Instead of waiting for the wind to stop I wanted my camera to Show Me the Wind. What does the wind look like? Can you see it? Or does one simply feel it? There are so many different kinds of wind—a soft gentle breeze, hot gust, biting cold burst of air and more. Sunday’s wind was sometimes a soft gentle breeze, sometimes stronger. It was cool as Read more…

Five Flower Photos and a Wood Duck

Saturday morning I saw a male wood duck sitting on the log at the edge of our pond. So I put my 100-400 mm lens on my Canon camera along with my 1.4X extender and made a handful of photographs of him in all his male sartorial splendor. Then I made more photographs of the now fading ranunculus flowers that I bought earlier in the week. So today I’m sharing Five Flowers and A Wood Duck with you. Besides the beauty of the wood duck, I love how you can see small feathers on the surface of the pond below Read more…