Fourth of July Gratitude

Today, despite all the things that are wrong in our country I am focusing on what is right. And I am feeling Fourth of July Gratitude for so many blessings. We have a long way to go towards freedom and justice for all. And we need to work hard to help mitigate and lessen climate change. But we also have seen great changes in consciousness that I hope will lead to opportunities and just treatment for all. I’m not a flag-waving patriot who refuses to see the injustices and terrible things we’ve done as a nation. And I believe that Read more…

Loving the World

This morning on my walk I discovered that little acorns are falling from a neighbor’s tree onto the street. I stopped to pick up a few so that I could photograph their tiny beauty up close. It’s my way of Loving the World with my camera. Acorns, like all seeds, are such beautiful tiny capsules of life. Given the right circumstances these acorns could sprout and grow into huge oak trees. Mary Oliver said, “My work is loving the world.” That is also my work. Seeds, flowers, green grass, tall green trees, bird song, soft breezes, sunshine, and clean air Read more…

Lighten Up

With the poor air quality this week I’ve been spending a lot of time indoors. Today I decided to play around with making photographs of some feathers and my tiny Buddha statue. It feels like a good day to Lighten Up by taking some time to play and relax. From the air quality predictions I’m hearing right now I think that I’ll be able to go out with my camera this evening. Who could have imagined that we would be looking at air quality predictions day after day here in Minnesota because of smoke from fires far far away! I Read more…

The Greens of Summer

On Saturday under overcast skies I took a morning walk at French Regional Park. I chose a path that goes through woods full of tall maple trees. It was like walking in a sea of green. All around me I could see The Greens of Summer lush and beautiful. Though it has been an unusually dry summer, that means something entirely different here in Minnesota than it does in other parts of the country. Our landscapes are still green in many places, especially in the native woods that used to cover this part of the state. I hope and pray Read more…


This morning I opened my email and found this image in a newsletter from ArtDoc Magazine. There it was top center in the arrangement of images — This! — one of my two photos that were selected to be included in the Enigma of Life online exhibit (my photo is the only monochrome photo in the collage of images). It was such a lovely surprise to see one of my photographs being used in the collage that was highlighting the exhibit. If you want to see the full online exhibit click HERE. Sometimes I need only to stand wherever I Read more…