The Beauty in Imperfection

As I walk through the woods this fall seeking to take in the colors and sensations of the season I find myself thinking about The Beauty in Imperfection. The more I photograph the world around me the more I realize that there is beauty in all seasons of life. And that there is great beauty in imperfection if you take the time to see it. Though the colors this fall are a bit more muted than usual because of the ongoing drought Minnesota has been experiencing, there is still beauty galore to take in. If you seek flaws, you’ll find Read more…

Angel Wings?

On my morning walk I came upon a mushroom that made me think, Angel Wings? With all of the recent rains (which I am so grateful for) and warmth (that feels like a mixed blessing) mushrooms are popping up in the park near where I live and in the woods where I love to explore. I’m not a mushroom hunter but have often been intrigued by their sudden appearance and strange beauty. I made these photographs with my phone camera, a good reminder that the best camera is the one you have with you. And since this mushroom made me Read more…

Right Now, Right Here

This morning as I usually do, I sat to meditate before beginning my daily routine. I listened to a guided meditation by Tara Brach. In it she encouraged me to simply be here… Right Here, Right Now. As usual my mind wanted to wander off into what if’s and why’s and should I and why didn’t I. And I just kept coming back to my breath and body in the present moment. Afterwards I was feeling a little bit of “poor me” as I began to think about the day ahead. I had planned to take a day trip to Read more…

30 Day Project

I finished my personal challenge to photograph the river birch tree in my backyard each day for 30 days. 30 Day Project On this rainy Monday in September I’m feeling a sense of accomplishment and also relief. While working on this project I made more than 375 photographs of the river birch tree. I wish I could say that I felt that I made some beautiful art during this project. Or that I gained some deep insight into my photography practice. But I can’t. My purpose was to commit to doing this one thing every single day for 30 days. Read more…