On my morning walk I came upon a mushroom that made me think,

Angel Wings?

With all of the recent rains (which I am so grateful for) and warmth (that feels like a mixed blessing) mushrooms are popping up in the park near where I live and in the woods where I love to explore. I’m not a mushroom hunter but have often been intrigued by their sudden appearance and strange beauty.

I made these photographs with my phone camera, a good reminder that the best camera is the one you have with you.

And since this mushroom made me think of angel wings, I’ll share a Mary Oliver poem about angels that pretty much sums up my thoughts on angels.


You might see an angel anytime
and anywhere. Of course you have
to open your eyes to a kind of 
second level, but it’s not really
hard. The whole business of 
what’s reality and what isn’t has
never been solved and probably
never will be. So I don’t care to
be too definite about anything. 
I have a lot of edges called Perhaps
and almost nothing you can call
Certainty. For myself, but not 
for other people. That’s a place
you just can’t get into, not 
entirely anyway, other people’s 

I’ll just leave you with this. 
I don’t care how many angels can 
dance on the head of a pin. It’s
enough to know that for some people
they exist, and that they dance. 

   — Mary Oliver

Wishing you a beautiful week.

May you walk in beauty.

Note: Photos from my walks in my neighborhood.

Look at all the ducks gathered in this pond that is just across the street and down the hill from our house


Photographer sharing beauty, grace & joy in photographs and blog posts. I live in the Twin Cites in Minnesota, the land of lakes, trees, and wonderful nature.


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