Time to Be Slow

These gray days we keep having weigh down my spirit and make me feel like this is a good Time to Be Slow to relax and replenish. No need for to-do lists or busyness. Better to lie low and curl up with a good book. This quiet in-between time is a gift I think, giving my spirit time to relax and replenish. As I sit at my computer and write this morning snow is falling outside. The birds that usually flock to the bird feeders outside my office window are nowhere to be seen. They are nestled in some protected Read more…

Looking and Seeing

The longer I study and practice photography the more that I learn that there is a difference between Looking and Seeing and every person sees the world through a slightly different lens. A photograph is an invitation to look — and to look at looking. Looking and seeing are two different things.     — John Paul Caponigro Before I fell in love with photography I saw the world differently than I see it now. I noticed far less beauty in ordinary scenes. But as I began looking for beauty in the world around me I began to find it everywhere Read more…

A Gift

This first week of 2024 has been a quiet one for me. I’ve spent a lot of time beginning to plan the  Flower Power workshop that I’m teaching at the Minnetonka Center for the Arts in late February. Every time I teach another photography class I discover the need to learn more deeply about photography myself. It is A Gift to be able to immerse myself so deeply in doing the things that I love. When I dive into seeing and photographing the beauty of this world my life expands to take in all of the beauty, contradictions and paradoxes Read more…

Begin Again

Some think that each new year is a chance to Begin Again with resolutions for a new improved you. Those kind of resolutions quickly dissolve for me. In fact I don’t make resolutions any day of the year. The idea of a fresh start is appealing I know, but we carry our past in our cells. Why not instead, simply strive to do our best, whatever that is in each precious moment. We strive, succeed sometimes, fail other times. That is life.  Each moment is an opportunity to begin again, letting go of regrets, embracing imperfection, and leaning into beauty Read more…


I bought two amaryllis bulbs in late November, planted them, and watered them. Now I am waiting for them to bloom. They began growing ever-so-slowly. And then more quickly. Both of the bulbs have sprouted two buds and a few leaves. The first bud on each plant has shot up and up. And I am Waiting for the buds to burst forth into bloom. Yesterday I photographed the buds in all their burgeoning glory. No flowers open yet, so I wait. Soon, soon, my heart sings. This waiting is a kind of allowing the flowers to unfold in their own Read more…