Gap Time

A couple of weeks ago I decided that I was in need of Gap Time — a time to take a break from writing and sharing photographs. It’s been a much needed break, more for my mental health, than for any other reason. Writing a blog regularly usually feeds my soul. But sometimes I get wrapped up in approval seeking or other kinds of thinking that I find are not helpful or healthy. When I notice those behaviors or thoughts creeping up I find the best way to step back into a sense of balance is to take a break. Read more…

Creating is Like Breathing

Creating is Like Breathing There is an inhale (inspiration) and an exhale (expression) in the creative process. These days I teeter between gratitude for the beauty of the world and sorrow for all that is lost along my journey through this life. And that instability is affecting my creativity. I know that no one gets through life without losses of one kind or another. But I’m feeling a need to find a little bit more beauty and joy to balance all of the loss. Lately I feel as if I am counting losses like a warrior counts coups. So today Read more…

Minnesotans Sigh With Relief

Yesterday we had snow for the first time in weeks. And this morning I woke up to see a snow covered world outside.  As soon as I saw the snow-covered bird feeders outside our windows I felt like I could hear many Minnesotans Sigh With Relief because the world looks right for the season again. Though I have been enjoying the mild winter we’ve been having immensely, part of me was feeling a mild sense of discomfort and worry about what the long-term impact of this weather might be. Yesterday I thoroughly enjoyed exploring the snow-free landscapes at the Minnesota Read more…

They Travel With Me

Today I went to the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum to make photographs. And I found a kind of quiet joy waking up in my soul, the longer I spent in the beauty and nature of that lovely place. And I realized that I had been feeling a kind of low-level grief about life and everything after the loss of my beloved cat and a dear friend. Part of me felt like giving up and giving in to thoughts like, “This might be as good as it gets,” or “It’s all downhill from here.” I even wished that I could leave this Read more…

Three Crows

Yesterday during my short walk in the neighborhood I felt like I was being followed by Three Crows. They flew and cawed overhead, leaving and returning, leaving and returning, cawing and cawing, until finally, at the end of my walk they landed in the tall bare branches of a nearby tree. I photographed them there though you have to look very closely to see the 3 crows in the photo at the top of this post. Strangely I felt as if the crows were accompanying me on my walk, signaling me to look up and notice them. There are many Read more…