Over the course of my life I have learned to listen to and respect my instincts for

Right Timing.

Sometimes I have an idea that seems like a great idea but every time I move towards acting on that idea all kinds of obstacles or surprises keep me from acting.

And other times it’s just a subtle feeling humming in my brain that says, “This is not right timing. Wait,”  or maybe it’s simply that something just doesn’t feel right about moving forward with an activity or plan.

When I receive one of those fuzzy feelings or a sequence of obstacles I try to listen. And I have seldom regretted pausing and waiting for that mysterious nebulous feeling to gain clarity.

A World of Ideas

Elizabeth Gilbert suggests that there are ideas out in the universe wanting to be expressed and if they don’t reach fruition with one artist, they move on to find another creator who can express them.

I believe that our planet is inhabited not only by animals and plants and bacteria and viruses, but also by ideas. Ideas are a disembodied, energetic life-form. They are completely separate from us, but capable of interacting with us—albeit strangely. Ideas have no material body, but they do have consciousness, and they most certainly have will. Ideas are driven by a single impulse: to be made manifest. And the only way an idea can be made manifest in our world is through collaboration with a human partner. It is only through a human’s efforts that an idea can be escorted out of the ether and into the realm of the actual.
Elizabeth Gilbert, Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear

I’m not sure that I’ve encountered any of these big ideas in my creative life. But I don’t discount the possibility that they exist. And as a creator I know that it takes much more than ideas to bring a creative project to fruition. There is a lot of simply showing up and doing the work no matter what.

But perhaps there is a right time for ideas to be made manifest. All sorts of things could play into right timing including the readiness of the creator and the world around the creator’s ability to hear and understand the idea. So today I rest comfortably knowing that right timing is once again manifesting in my life. And I am perfectly content to put my plans aside for a time and see what new things it is right timing to manifest in my creative life.

Have you ever had an experience noticing that it was not right timing for some project or creation?

May you walk in beauty.

Note: Photos of flowers from the weekend farmer’s market with some intentional camera movement in some.






Photographer sharing beauty, grace & joy in photographs and blog posts. I live in the Twin Cites in Minnesota, the land of lakes, trees, and wonderful nature.


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