The weather this past week has been magnificent! Not too hot, not too cool, with sunshine, low humidity and green growing things everywhere I look. I treasure these open window weather days in mid-summer. Days like this feel like

Grace Notes

in summer’s lush symphony of color, warmth, beauty, and thriving colorful burgeoning life.

This week I have been captivated by the seas of green that I see as I look out my windows, swing on the deck, or drive down city streets. Everywhere I look, it seems, I see green things growing.

I soak in the sights, scents, and feelings of these days, hoping that I can call them up in mid-winter when snow covers the ground.

“This!” I think, “This is why I live here in Minnesota where each summer there lie some perfect days filled with grace, green, and gratitude for all things beautiful. Grace notes!”

You can have the other words-chance, luck, coincidence, serendipity. I’ll take grace. I don’t know what it is exactly, but I’ll take it.

Mary Oliver

Do you also treasure these beautiful open-window days and all of the green things growing? Soak them in my friends, let the beauty and grace fill your senses and your pores with grace and beauty.

May you walk in beauty.


Photographer sharing beauty, grace & joy in photographs and blog posts. I live in the Twin Cites in Minnesota, the land of lakes, trees, and wonderful nature.


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