Three days in a row the snow fell. Finally it stopped mid-morning today and left me sitting inside a


filled with beauty.

I have been focusing on home stuff and recovering from a gut upset that has been lingering for days. Despite the discomfort in my digestive system I have been active and feeling well enough to scoop the snow off the driveway on Monday and vacuum the house yesterday. I am celebrating the strength to do these things without lingering pain afterwards!

Similarly, even though I wish that winter had not arrived already I am celebrating the beauty of the world around me. Every tree and branch was coated with white this morning! And it made me think of white frosting covering the world.

Weston Prayer

I pray to stay open today. Open to the unrestrained
energy of now. Open to mystery and power. Open to
whatever comes. Open to routine and surprises.
Open to moving past my first reactions. Open to my
imperfections and the divine spark that underlies
them. Open to wonder and the everyday grace of life
unfolding as it does. Open to events and
circumstances that I like, and those I don’t. Open to
fatigue and overflowing energy. Open to listen and to
speak. Open to love in all the ways it manifests.
Open to give and receive. Open to seasons
changing, priorities rearranging, nothing staying the
same for very long. Open to letting beliefs dissolved
into the ether. Open to the direct experience of
truth. Open to forgetting and remembering. Open to
life and open to death. Open to seeing old patterns
and letting them go. Open to fear and courage, ease
and difficulty. I pray to stay open.

— Danna Faulds

I’ve been working on staying open to whatever each day brings. Some days it is easier than others. This early onset of snow season challenges me. Does it also challenge you? Can you celebrate the beauty of this wonderland even as you also feel sad about the season changing?

May you walk in beauty.


Photographer sharing beauty, grace & joy in photographs and blog posts. I live in the Twin Cites in Minnesota, the land of lakes, trees, and wonderful nature.


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