I am already noticing the lengthening daylight each day, feeling a little surprise and then delight and joy when I notice that it is still light outside at 5 pm. Little by little the light returns. The sunsets have been magnificent lately, often filling the western sky with pink-orange light that gladdens my heart.

Ordinary Grace

“The miracle is this: that you will rise in the morning and be able to see again the startling beauty of the day.”
William Kent Krueger, Ordinary Grace

I just looked out my window and saw a female cardinal, several chickadees, and a junco at the bird feeder. That’s the first time I’ve seen a cardinal on the feeder, though I have seen them feeding on the ground below the feeders.

It’s a funny thing. I always dread January’s arrival but now that it’s here I’m thinking bring it on. Each day brings us one day closer to springtime. And even in the depths of winter I find beauty.

I feel a swell of happiness that the feeders I fill regularly are sustaining so many beautiful birds during this bitterly cold weather. And tomorrow is expected to be a warmer day with highs in the 20’s. That sounds perfectly wonderful to me.

“Let’s be in awe
which doesn’t mean
anything but the courage
to gape like fish at the surface
breaking around our mouths
as we meet the air.”
Mark Nepo

Wishing you a bright and beautiful week filled with ordinary grace.

May you walk in beauty.


Photographer sharing beauty, grace & joy in photographs and blog posts. I live in the Twin Cites in Minnesota, the land of lakes, trees, and wonderful nature.


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