This morning I listened to a short guided reflection created by Tara Brach, called “Attending to Joy” (see video link below). In it Tara talked about how we need to be open to sensing and feeling the pain and dysfunction of the world. But we also need to be open to sensing and feeling what’s right with the world — the wonder, beauty, and splendor of life. Tara shared parts of Mary Oliver’s poem, My Work is Loving the World. 

Loving the World

And I thought it would be a lovely poem to share again in my blog this bright beautiful (and hot) Saturday.

My Work is Loving the World


My work is loving the world.
Here the sunflowers, there the hummingbird –
equal seekers of sweetness.
Here the quickening yeast; there the blue plums.
Here the clam deep in the speckled sand.

Are my boots old? Is my coat torn?
Am I no longer young and still not half-perfect? Let me
keep my mind on what matters,
which is my work,

which is mostly standing still and learning to be astonished.
The phoebe, the delphinium.
The sheep in the pasture, and the pasture.
Which is mostly rejoicing, since all ingredients are here,

Which is gratitude, to be given a mind and a heart
and these body-clothes,
a mouth with which to give shouts of joy
to the moth and the wren, to the sleepy dug-up clam,
telling them all, over and over, how it is
that we live forever.

    — Mary Oliver

Recently I have been feeling more and more appreciation for the full spectrum of what happens in life. As Mary Oliver says, “the ingredients are here” for joy. In addition to choosing joy I have been practicing loving kindness meditation to help me stay open to feeling and responding to the dysfunction of the world.

Here is Tara’s video, Attending to Joy

Are you suffering from overwhelm because of climate change worries, the frequent shootings that keep on happening, other suffering that you see around you? I encourage you to follow and do the things that bring you joy each day. Whether it is being in nature, dance, music, poetry, or creating, please make time to do what you love today.

May you walk in beauty.

Bloom like this iris is blooming


Smile, like this tree is smiling


Flow like water

Hang out in nature

Open yourself to life

Create something

Create something else


Photographer sharing beauty, grace & joy in photographs and blog posts. I live in the Twin Cites in Minnesota, the land of lakes, trees, and wonderful nature.


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