This is the new view

Outside My Office Window

I installed a pole for hanging bird feeders this week in front of the window of my office. For years we fed birds black sunflower seeds from feeders on hangers connected to our deck rail. But the raccoons found ways to outsmart every tactic we tried to keep them from the feeders. They learned how to knock down the squirrel-proof feeder we used to the ground, breaking it and then gobbling up all of the seeds. I began taking the feeders into the garage every night to stop the raccoons from emptying them or knocking them down. But the raccoons quickly began showing their displeasure by pooping on our deck on nights that the feeders were inside the garage. It didn’t take long for me to tire of cleaning up their messes. I also found the sunflower seed shell debris beneath the feeder difficult to clean up.

So I switched to using thistle seed feeders because the raccoons weren’t interested in thistle seed. Unfortunately this led to patches of thistles in our back yard that were very difficult to eradicate even though the thistle seed we fed was not supposed to grow. (I’m still digging out thistles in some spots.) So for several years now I haven’t fed the birds.

Red Bird

Red bird came all winter

firing up the landscape

as nothing else could.


Of course I love the sparrows,

those dun-colored darlings,

so hungry and so many.


I am a God-fearing feeder of birds.

I know He has many children,

not all of them bold in spirit.


Still, for whatever reason—

perhaps, because the winter is so long

and the sky so black-blue,


or perhaps because the heart narrows

as often as it opens—

I am grateful


that red bird comes all winter

firing up the landscape

as nothing else can do.

   — Mary Oliver

I’ve been thinking of placing feeders outside my office window for a couple of years. When I saw my daughter using a bird food that was called “No Mess” bird seed I decided it was time to give it a try. This week I finally bought the pole and accessories I needed to set up the feeders again! I may need to move the pole further from the house if squirrels become a problem. But I am hopeful that raccoons will not be able to get at the feeders with the large baffle on the pole.

This morning while I’ve been at my computer chickadees, gold finches, and house finches have visited the feeders. I love watching them up close through my window. It may prove to distract me from writing or editing photos but I’m fine with that.

I’m being careful not to move too suddenly because I don’t want to frighten them away. Soon I hope that they become accustomed to the feeders and less wary of movements inside the house. I expect that Gracie, my cat, may enjoy bird watching from the table in front of the window as well. I’m hoping that she won’t’ scare the birds away.

Simply for joy…

I chose to set up the bird feeders simply because watching the birds brings me joy. Though I made a few photos this morning of birds at the feeder, I didn’t set up the feeders so that I could photograph birds. It is enough to simply get to see my feathered friends up close as they eat and flit to and fro.

Is there something simple that you can do that will bring you great joy today?

May you walk in beauty.


Photographer sharing beauty, grace & joy in photographs and blog posts. I live in the Twin Cites in Minnesota, the land of lakes, trees, and wonderful nature.


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