I subscribe to photographer, Steve McCurry’s photography posts. Today’s post titled, “Our Thirsty Planet” reminded me once again how truly blessed we are to have clean hot and cold running water at our fingertips. 

Want to feel blessed and grateful today?

Take a look at McCurry’s post featuring beautiful and moving photographs of women, children, and men carrying water or using a public water faucet and see if you don’t also feel blessed and grateful.

“Water is life, and clean water means health.” 

   — Audrey Hepburn

We often forget how blessed we are. I always appreciate gentle reminders of all that I take for granted every day.

The most important blessings go beyond the material blessings we often notice. Think about the people in your life and those who love and support you, the things that you can do physically with little or no effort, how your mind helps you track and interact with the world around you.

What blessings are you grateful for today?

Yesterday I picked up two small flowering plants at Bachmans, an orange begonia and a pale pink and fuschia colored cyclamen. I’ve just begun making soft closeups of their blossoms. Flowers are one of the blessings in my life that I appreciate the most. The short span of their beauty is a reminder that life goes by quickly and change is ever-present.

Let us bless the imagination of the Earth.

That knew early the patience to harness the mind of time,

Waited for the seas to warm, ready to welcome the emergence

Of things dreaming of voyaging among the stillness of land…

Let us thank the Earth that offers ground for home

And holds our feet firm to walk in space open to infinite galaxies.

Let us salute the silence and certainty of mountains:

Their sublime stillness, their dream-filled hearts.

The wonder of a garden trusting the first warmth of spring…

The humility of the Earth that transfigures all that has fallen of outlived growth.

The kindness of the Earth, opening to receive

our worn forms into the final stillness.

Let us ask forgiveness of the Earth

For all our sins against her:

for our violence and poisonings of her beauty.

Let us remember within us the ancient clay, holding the memory of seasons,

The passion of the wind, the fluency of water, the warmth of fire,

The quiver-touch of the sun and shadowed sureness of the moon.


That we may awaken to live to the full the dream of the Earth

Who chose us to emerge and incarnate its hidden night in mind, spirit and light

   — John O’Donohue

May you walk in beauty.


Photographer sharing beauty, grace & joy in photographs and blog posts. I live in the Twin Cites in Minnesota, the land of lakes, trees, and wonderful nature.


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