There is a path in our neighborhood that leads the back way to French Regional Park. If you follow that path that lies unmarked between two houses through the trees, turning first one way then another, and finally down a steep hill, you escape surburbia and enter a wild place full of beauty. In mid-September, earlier than one might think, walking down this path yields a view like no other. I missed the peak color this year as many sumac leaves had already begun falling, but it was still breath-taking.

Bright red sumacs glow as far as the eye can see with brilliant gold leaves below them. The red is so brilliant that it almost seems to vibrate.

I’ve walked this path many times, but when I walk at just the right time of the year it never fails to take my breath away. The rest of the year the foliage in this area looks a bit scrubby and not terribly attractive. But come September the sumacs put on their fancy clothes to celebrate before stripping themselves naked for winter. It’s a sight guaranteed to delight the eye.

When I see things like this I remember that

Life is Beautiful

Despite my recent daydreams of escaping and driving away to escape somewhere else—anywhere else—I am working hard to stay present and grateful right here, right now. And walking around our neighborhood makes it easy for me to be grateful. Colors are popping everywhere. And these warm fall days that we have been having are so unusual that I feel as if I want to slow time down and bask in their warmth and beauty forever. We’ve been having the windows of the house wide open every day and leaving a few of them open all night long. It’s glorious.

One of the ways that I come back to the present moment when I notice myself feeling afraid or angry or sad about things that are happening in the world, is to ask myself, “Right now in this moment am I okay?” And the answer almost always is “Yes. I have all I need and I am surrounded by beauty. I am okay. The only time is now.”

I almost took a trip up north to see “peak colors” this weekend. It was tempting to imagine the views there. However, even though it would likely not be a problem, the risk of COVID-19 increases the more one exposes oneself to public places. So I

Stay close to home

And I take walks in my neighborhood and spot beauty right here, right now. Then I realize that I have no need to go elsewhere. Everything I need is here. My beloved Wolsfeld Woods are a 15 minute drive from where I live. And the sugar maple trees are beginning to turn golden there. I plan to walk there as often as I can over the next few weeks to fully experience the golden cathedral that these trees turn into in the fall.

Enjoy the fall my friends and soak up the beauty all around you. Life IS beautiful.

May you walk in beauty.

I saw these purple centered tiny aster flowers as I left the sumacs. They are unusual and so beautiful.


Photographer sharing beauty, grace & joy in photographs and blog posts. I live in the Twin Cites in Minnesota, the land of lakes, trees, and wonderful nature.


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