Even though it feels like a somewhat apocalyptic time with the fires out west, COVID-19 changing the way we live, racial justice demands, and worries about the upcoming election, I still try to find beauty in small things around me.

Happy Friday Friends

Another week has gone by. Kids are back to school (if only remotely) and life goes on.

But while I am blessed beyond belief to have all I need, beautiful green nature surrounding me, and good health, many in our world are facing fires, destruction, illness, job loss, hunger, racial injustice, and isolation. Though I have no ready answers or even actions I send prayers for healing to all who are suffering and to the earth that sustains us. May the weather out west cool, the winds slow, rain fall, and fires end. And may we all take care of one another and our precious earth.

Here is a poem from Mary Oliver that feels perfect to share today



Every day I’m still looking for God
and I’m still finding him everywhere,
in the dust, in the flowerbeds.
Certainly in the oceans,
In the islands that lay in the distance
Continents of ice, countries of sand
Each with its own set of creatures
And God, by whatever name.
How perfect to be aboard a ship with
Maybe a hundred years still in my pocket.
But it’s late, for all of us,
And in truth the only ship there is
Is the ship we are all on
Burning the world as we go.

   — Mary Oliver, A Thousand Mornings

May you walk in beauty.





Photographer sharing beauty, grace & joy in photographs and blog posts. I live in the Twin Cites in Minnesota, the land of lakes, trees, and wonderful nature.


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