When I first woke up this morning the sun was shining. But before long clouds moved in. They were so interesting that I went outside to photograph them. The skies looked truly threatening and gusts of wind blew the tops of the trees around madly.

The skies, oh the skies! At first parts of the clouds looked almost black but patches of light burst through in spots, making the sky a mosaic of lights and darks.

And the cloud shapes varied wildly.

After a time the grays turned to a blue-shaded gray as the storm developed. I thought for awhile that the rain would miss us. But after I had given up on it, the rain came tumbling down for 10-15 minutes. Now the skies are brightening and we are expecting very warm humid weather for the remainder of the day.

“Faith is not a delicate flower which would wither away under the slightest stormy weather.”

     — Mahatma Gandhi

The storm that moved through unexpectedly this morning reminded me of COVID-19. It is a storm that no one expected and has spread over the entire world. We don’t know how long the COVID storm it will last or how it will change our society. But we do know that the stormy weather of COVID will eventually abate and in the trail of destruction it is causing new good things will be born.

Jon spotted a family of wood ducks at the edge of the pond preening and waiting for the rain to end! Look how they have grown! Their feathers are growing in and the fuzz receding. And they are almost as big as the adult female. I counted five in all, though they are not all visible in most of the photos I made.

While I was out photographing the sky I made a few photos of the petunias in my hanging flower basket. It’s hard to resist purple flowers on an overcast morning like this.

What are you planning to do this warm July day? Have you made time for doing something which brings you joy?

May you walk in beauty.


Photographer sharing beauty, grace & joy in photographs and blog posts. I live in the Twin Cites in Minnesota, the land of lakes, trees, and wonderful nature.


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