As spring progresses I find myself more and more

Taking Delight in Simple Things

I love sitting out on the deck swing and soaking up the nature all around. The sounds, sights, scents, and touches of the breeze on my skin are so soothing. But last year the cushion on the swing started disintegrating because of its many years in the sun and weather. I looked around last summer and found nothing but really expensive custom made cushions to replace the wearing cushion on the swing. But I tried looking again this year and found a replacement cushion designed for our swing! I ordered one and it arrived this week.

The new swing cushion on the deck swing

Yesterday we put the new cushion on the swing and simply sat, talked to one another, and observed the beautiful world around us. Both Jon and I feel so blessed to be able to enjoy the day in that way. Looking out at the greening world, hearing the ducks quack in the pond, the splash of a turtle plopping off the log at the edge of the pond, and a flash of red cardinal flying by.

And did I mention, the violets are in bloom?

The violets are in bloom!

We live next to a park area and there are scads of them scattered all around there and in our backyard, so many that I don’t feel guilty picking a bunch to bring inside to photograph. I spent much of the afternoon playing with them and my camera and then I sat down to work on a watercolor painting of violets.

When I was a preteen and had fallen in love with wild flowers I always picked a bunch of violets to give to my Mom on Mother’s Day. It was a small thing, but something I did with love and joy for several years. So these shy wild flowers always touch my heart strings when they bloom.

I have another poem to share, written by my friend Nora Page, who also takes delight in simple things. Enjoy!



the only contact I have with others

occurs when I am out for coffee
at my neighborhood café.


I say hello to the regulars
then delve into my newspaper,

the crossword puzzle,
my books.


So when a stranger

makes eye contact
or asks me a question,

it’s a big deal!


Each look or word becomes a jewel,

a gem I gather in
from the infinite sea of plasticity,
of otherness.


And as I turn to row further out

I tuck that favor into my creel,

grateful, as always,
for the kindness

of strangers.

   — Nora Page

May you also take delight in simple things.

May you walk in beauty.


Photographer sharing beauty, grace & joy in photographs and blog posts. I live in the Twin Cites in Minnesota, the land of lakes, trees, and wonderful nature.


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