I went shopping at the Coop this week for the first time since well before the stay-at-home order began in Minnesota. Even though I was pretty confident that I did not have COVID-19, I wore a cloth mask that my daughter Katee made for me. It felt a little surreal and stressful. I found myself getting irrationally angry with shoppers who were not wearing a mask. Inside my head I was making up all sorts of stories with captions like, “How selfish! They could be sick and not know it. Don’t they care about other people at all???”

It wasn’t until I was on my way home that I was able to step back and let go of judgment and anger. The things I was thinking were just stories I made up about why everyone SHOULD be wearing a mask. I choose to let go of those thoughts because

I Choose Joy

and because I prefer

Living well in a time of COVID-19

I have no control over how others behave. And I have no real insight into what might be going on in any random stranger’s life. It’s better for me to assume positive motivations. Sometimes I ask myself to imagine three good reasons why someone else is behaving as they are.

It is quite surprising to me to feel better and better the longer we are staying at home. My pain levels are down, I stress less, and I am discovering joy in unexpected places. This may be because I am an introvert and I thrive with alone time and no commitments. Even after the stay-at-home order is lifted I may continue this way of life indefinitely because it nourishes my heart and soul.

For those of you who are extroverts, this must be a difficult time for you. Know that you are in my thoughts.

Yesterday I set up my new Earth Box garden boxes and planted sugar snap peas and lettuce. If everything that I planted grows I will have more lettuce than we can eat. I’m hoping to be able to share it with our daughters and grandkids. It felt so good to have my hands in the dirt! This must be the farm girl in me.

I also rode my bike again yesterday—not very far—but I enjoyed the ride.

Memories of farm life

I just realized that our stay-at-home time reminds me a lot of growing up on a farm. Other than school, church, and family visits, we stayed home a lot of the time. Back when stores were open one evening a week (Friday nights in Ida Grove, Iowa) our entire family often made our weekly shopping trip then.

Even as children my brothers and I were allowed to wander through the stores on Main Street alone.. And when we were done shopping we would gather in my Aunt Mildred’s little children’s clothing store (on Main Street), visiting with her or watching her wait on customers. When we were all done shopping we might head to my Grandparents house for a short visit or if Dad was too tired we’d head home.

I had almost forgotten about how I looked forward to Friday night in town. It was a big deal for an eight-year-old.

I hope you are doing well and finding ways to CHOOSE JOY in your life.

May you walk in beauty.

Turtles sunning on the log at the edge of the pond yesterday

Neighborhood kids canoeing in the pond (and catching turtles)

Forsythia in bloom across the pond


Photographer sharing beauty, grace & joy in photographs and blog posts. I live in the Twin Cites in Minnesota, the land of lakes, trees, and wonderful nature.


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