Yesterday, there was lots of activity at the edge of the pond beside the old willow tree log that the turtles like to sun on.

Ducks, Turtles, and Spring Greening (Slowly)

All day there were 4-5 mallard ducks swimming back and forth across the pond. Sometimes they napped on the bank of the pond beside the old willow tree log. Often when I see them, I think, “Oh, it’s just mallards,” because they are so commonly seen. But sometimes I pause that thought and look closely at them. Wow! They are beautiful birds.

“The real and proper question is: why is it beautiful?” ~ Annie Dillard

Their emerald green heads and the blue feather tucked at the bottom of their wings glow in the right light conditions. Watching them waddle around the yard is comical. There are a couple of them that walk right up to the patio door in back and look in at Jon as he’s working. I’m not sure what they see in the window—a reflection of themselves or the interior of our downstairs. But they show little fear of us and often wander around to the front of our house as well, peeking under the yews beside our sidewalk.

I can see the beginnings of spring’s haze of green in the boxelder trees on the far side of the pond. Soon the haze of green will grow and burst into a color of glowing spring green that almost vibrates with life energy.

Turtles all the way down…

The painted turtles are sunning themselves on the log again. Some days a line of them fills the entire log. Often the large turtles are at the bottom of the log and tiny turtles at the top of the log. When I walk down near the pond I hear the plops of turtles exiting the log quickly. They are not yet accustomed to seeing us in the backyard this year. Sometimes, when I walk near the pond I catch glimpses of frogs hopping back into the pond. More often I just hear the plops of their leaps into the water.

Spring is arriving slowly this year (thankfully not as slowly as last year) with a few warm days interspersed with lots of cool days. I actively work to resist thinking that it’s good or bad the way the seasons unfold. Some days it’s easier for me than others. But usually I find something to be grateful for, something of beauty that brings me joy, or some ordinary miracle that captures my imagination.

“At a certain point, you say to the woods, to the sea, to the mountains, the world, Now I am ready. Now I will stop and be wholly attentive. You empty yourself and wait, listening.” ~ Annie Dillard

Yesterday it was duck visitations, turtles on the log, and the beginning of spring greening that brought me joy.

Have you slowed down and simply paid attention to nature around you? What stands out for you?

“The answer must be, I think, that beauty and grace are performed whether or not we will or sense them. The least we can do is try to be there.” ~ Annie Dillard

May you walk in beauty.


Photographer sharing beauty, grace & joy in photographs and blog posts. I live in the Twin Cites in Minnesota, the land of lakes, trees, and wonderful nature.


Anonymous · February 5, 2024 at 8:09 pm

Do you know a way to help protect ducklings from ond turtles?

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