Today, as I look out at a white snow-covered world I’m sharing some images I made last weekend at French Regional Park before the big snowstorm (that arrived last night). The colors are muted but they are still there. And lots of waterfowl were swimming and feeding in Medicine Lake.

French Regional Park in November

There were trumpeter swans, Canadian geese, and bufflehead ducks on the lake. Though it was cold outside I soaked up the time walking in nature.

Yesterday as I drove by Medicine Lake I noticed that all of the swans and ducks were gone. There was a large group of Canadian geese gathered on a grassy slope near the lake but it appeared that the other migrating birds had headed south before the storm.

I am feeling so grateful to be able to walk in nature again. As winter has now arrived in Minnesota, I hope to spend a lot of time outdoors with my camera despite the cold and snow.

Happy Thanksgiving!

On this day before Thanksgiving I hope that you find multitudes of things to be grateful for in your life.

May you walk in beauty.


Photographer sharing beauty, grace & joy in photographs and blog posts. I live in the Twin Cites in Minnesota, the land of lakes, trees, and wonderful nature.


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