August is flying by. Yesterday was exactly 2 months since my hip replacement. I am so happy to be moving around more and making excellent progress in my recovery. Today I took a 20 minute walk in the neighborhood and came back home with no pain after the walk. Yipee!

I continue to make daily images for my August Mindfulness Challenge based on the list of words I created at the beginning of the month.


August 17 – Deception

The word for the day is deception and the only thing I could think of was Donald Trump. I could have picked any story or headline about him in the news and the word would have applied. Lies and more lies. Deception and slight of hand. You name it. Even when the press plays a video clip of what he said, he denies having said it. I keep thinking that nothing he does can surprise me any more, but then he manages to surprise me again with another hateful or shameful action. (I photographed my laptop screen for this image) Note that Susan Walsh / AP made the original image.


August 18 – Hunger

I seem to be stuck on one theme here. But again, I could think of nothing else when I thought about hunger than about our president’s insatiable hunger for attention, acclaim, and getting his way. I placed these images over a map of the United States because it is our country (and the rest of the world also) that is being devoured by his irrational and sociopathic behavior.

Playing with my food

On a happier note, the word hunger today prompted some food play with 3 pears I bought at the food coop earlier this week. They are perfectly ripe and beautiful and I plan to cut them up and make a sauce later this afternoon. It rained again last night and the nature around the pond is lush and green. I hope you are enjoying these beautiful days as much as I am.

May you walk in beauty.


Photographer sharing beauty, grace & joy in photographs and blog posts. I live in the Twin Cites in Minnesota, the land of lakes, trees, and wonderful nature.


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